Sabonis provides a way of quickly parsing EVTX, proxy and PCAP files and extracting just the information related to lateral movements. It also has the ability of loading all this information into a Neo4J database. This not only provides a graphic and easy-going way of investigating an incident, but also allows incident handlers to make use of the powerful graph database language "Cypher"
- π Extracts and merge lateral movements from more than 7 different EVTX files
- π Parses Squid proxy events
- π Extracts all lateral movements from PCAP files
- β‘ Quick and low memory comsumption
- π Loads different sources into a Neo4J database
- π Includes a Cypher Playbook to make investigations easy
Make sure that you have evtx_dump binary in src folder
Note: Before running, you must first generate the parsed XML files with
usage: [-h] [--version] [--source_artifact SOURCE_ARTIFACT] [--csv_output CSV_OUTPUT] [--csv_input CSV_INPUT] [--ne04j_url NE04J_URL]
[--ne04j_user NE04J_USER] [--only_first] [--ignore_local] [--stats] [--directory] [--exclusionlist EXCLUSIONLIST] [--focuslist FOCUSLIST]
[--timezone TIMEZONE]
{parse,load2neo} {pcap,proxy,evtx,freestyle}
parse forensics artifacts to CSV and load them into neo4j database
positional arguments:
{parse,load2neo} choose the action to perform
type of artifact
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--source_artifact SOURCE_ARTIFACT
forensic artifact file
--csv_output CSV_OUTPUT
Resulting CSV ready to be loaded
--csv_input CSV_INPUT
Processed CSV to be loaded into Neo4j instance
--ne04j_url NE04J_URL
Ne04j database URL in bolt format
--ne04j_user NE04J_USER
Ne04j database user. Pass will be prompted
--only_first Just parse first connections of the group source_IP, user, dest_IP
--ignore_local Just include remote logins
--stats Display stats of processed evidence
--directory Parses a whole winevt/Logs directory and merges results
--exclusionlist EXCLUSIONLIST
Excludes all the evidence logs or packets that contain strings included in this wordlist
--focuslist FOCUSLIST
Parser will ONLY process the evidence logs or packets that contain strings included in this wordlist
--timezone TIMEZONE All dates with be converted to specified timezone. Ex: Europe/Leon
- Parse all EVTX files before processing with Sabonis
./ source_folder_with_evtx destination_folder
- Process all evtx files in a directory
./ parse evtx --source artifact folder_with_pivotfoot_output --directory --csv_output sabonis_output.csv --ignore_local
- Load sabonis_output into neo4j database
./ load evtx --csv_input sabonis_output.csv -ne04j_url NE04J_URL --ne04j_user NE04J_USER
- EVTX parser library by @OBenamram