Install the latest version of python 3.0+
Clone this repository
Through command-line, navigate into the cloud_proj directory of this project from where you stored it. Create a virtual environment with the following commands.
Note: You may need to use pip3 instead of pip
Skip this installation command if you already have this package
$ pip install virtualenv
Activating the environment:
For Mac/Linux/WSL users:
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
For Windows users:
$ virtualenv env
$ env\Scripts\activate
- Now that you created your virtual environment and activated it, we want to install the neccessary packages.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The virtual environment has to be running. After it's activated enter the following:
For Mac/Linux/WSL users:
$ flask run
$ gunicorn main:app
For Windows users:
$ set FLASK_APP=main.py
$ flask run
Jun Qi Li - junqili259@gmail.com
Kent Zhang - kntzhang@gmail.com
Raymond Chan - ray12125@gmail.com
James Poon - jamespoon08@gmail.com
Jason Li - Jason61798@gmail.com