graphical model inference algorithms for influence diagrams.
related papers
- Junkyu Lee, Radu Marinescu, Alexander Ihler, and Rina Dechter. "A Weighted Mini-Bucket Bound for Solving Influence Diagrams" in Proceedings of UAI 2019.
- Junkyu Lee, Alexander Ihler, and Rina Dechter. "Join Graph Decomposition Bounds for Influence Diagrams" in Proceedings of UAI 2018.
- variable elimination with valuation algebra
- mini-bucket elimination with valuation algebra
- join graph decomposition bounds for id
- influence diagram to marginal MAP
- factored mdp/pomdp generator and translator to influence diagrams
information relaxation by identifying minimum sufficient information set
visualization of graphical models and related graphs
- influence diagram, primal graph, join tree, join graph, etc
python2 pyGM
- put source under /gmid/lib/pyGM
networkx 1.11
- install from source networkx
$python install --user $sudo python install
$pip install sortedcontainers
graphviz and pygraphviz
$sudo apt-get install graphviz libgraphviz-dev pkg-config $pip2 install pygraphviz
scipy 1.2.1
$ conda create -n gmid python=2.7
$ conda activate gmid
$ conda install -c conda-forge sortedcontainers
$ conda install scipy=1.2.1
$ conda install networkx=1.11
- gmid
- gmid
- /logs: store log files
- /problems: store influence diagram problem files
- /scripts: scripts for running algorithms
- lib
- /pyGM: gmid uses classes related to factors and variables
- data
- /benchmark: set of problems used in uai 2018 paper
- /executables: some linux executables for comparison
- /log-process: draw plots from data
- /uai2018-paper: data related to uai 2018 paper
- gmid
- ID-UAI format, variant of uai format for influence diagram
- *.uai defines factors
- *.id defines identity of chance/decision variables and probability/utility functions
- *.pvo or *.vo defines partial/total elimination ordering dictated by sequential decisions and observations
- MI-UAI format, variant of uai format for marginal map
- *.uai defines factors
- *.mi defines decision and summation variables
- *.pvo or *.vo defines partial/total elimination ordering
- ID-ERG format, variant of erg format for influence diagram
- single file defines factors, identity, and total elimination ordering
- LIMID format, another variant of uai format called limid for influence diagram
- this also defines all elements for influence diagrams in 1 file
- provides reader/writer to each format
- provides conversion between them
- problems_id stores influence diagram in the first format that separates factors, identity, and constriants
- convention
- problems_id: collection of uai, id, pvo
- problems_mixed: collection of uai, mi, pvo --> MMAP with mixed order
- problems_mmap: collection of uai, and map files --> standard UAI MMAP format
- problems_relaxed: collection of uai, id, pvo but resulting from information relaxation by MSIS
- problems_trans: stores converted files
overall process
- read a graphical model problem and create list of factors and variables (valuations)
- create a graphical model object with factors and variables
- create a primal graph object from graphical model object
- find a constrained variable elimination ordering with a primal graph object
- create a mini_bucket_tree with an i-bound parameter by mini_bucket_tree(graphical_model, ordering, ibound)
- solve problem by CTE(clutster tree elim algorithm) --> exact solver or mini-bucket elimination stops here
- create a join graph from mini_bucket_tree by join_graph(mini_bucket_tree.message_graph, mini_buckets, ordering)
- add functions, scopes, and various algorithm specific information to message graphs
- solve problem by GddIdHingeShiftProjected(JGDID algorithm)
- visuzlize NxDiagram, PrimalGraph, InfluenceDiagram, Limid...
class NxDiagram() class PrimalGraph() class NxInfluenceDiagram() class NxFactoredMDP() // added to visualize multi decision variables per stage
- algorithms for finding minimum separating information set in DAG and testing d-separation
def get_relaxed_influence_diagram()
- algorithms for finding variable elimination ordering
def iterative_greedy_variable_order()
- Mini Bucket Tree and Join graph decomposition to be used as region grphas
def mini_bucket_tree() def join_graph() def gdd_graph()
- Message Graph class
class MessageGraph()
- create a MessageGraph object with a region_graph and elimination order
- region graph can be bucket tree, mini-bucket tree, join graph structured by mini bucket tree, or gdd graph
- additional functions defining additional node/ edge attributes for region graphs and message graphs
- visuzlize NxDiagram, PrimalGraph, InfluenceDiagram, Limid...
class GraphicalModel()
- graphcial model class is a container for variables, factors, elimination order, etc.
- create a graphical model with a list of factors, a list of weights of variables and elimination order
class MessagePassing()
- MessagePassing class is abstract class for message passing algorithms
- MessagePassing object holds a MessageGraph, list of weights, elimination order, and path to the log file.
- MessagePassing algorithms implement
def schedule() def init_propagate() def propagate() def _propagate_one_pass() def bounds()
- implements cluster tree elimination (variable elimination, mini-bucket elimination)
class CTE(MessagePassing):
- use common interface defined by MessagePassing
- implements JGDID algorithm
class GddIdHingeShiftProjected(MessagePassing):
- use common interface defined by MessagePassing
- implements GDD algorithm for MMAP
class GddMixed(MessagePassing):
- use common interface defined by MessagePassing
class Valuation():
- Valuation class is a wrapper class of factor class in pyGM that supports valuation algebra
- defines various global variables
- PRJ_PATH = "/home/junkyul/gmid" should be replaced by proper path (same for all running examples)
class WeightedMBE(MessagePassing):
- implementing mbe with valuation algebra + optimizing dynamic gdd bound per layer of mini-buckets
running algorithms
- given ID-UAI or MI-UAI (uai, id/mi, pvo), find vo (total elim order)
- generating vo file from pvo file can be done before running each algorithm
- run CTE algorithm for influence diagram
- input files are stored in problems_id
- run JGDID algorithm for inlufence diagram
- input files are stored in problems_id
- run JGDID algorithm for inlufence diagram
- input files are stored in problems_relaxed
- run gdd algorithm for mixed inference (MMAP with interleaved max and sum)
- input files are stored in problems_mixed
- run weighted mini bucket elimination for influence diagram
- input files are stored in problems_id
generating problems
- geneate random influence diagram from Bayes net
- Bayes nets and random influence diagrams are stored in beta
- generate random factored mdp
- generated influence diagrams (uai, id, pvo) and gpickle files are stored in beta
- generate random factored pomdp
- generated influence diagrams (uai, id, pvo) and gpickle files are stored in beta
- generated sysadmin factored mdp problems
converting formats
- convert ERG-UAI (erg) to ID-UAI (uai, mi, pvo)
- convert ID-UAI (uai, id, pvo) to MI-MMAP (uai, mi, pvo) format
- convert LIMID (*.limid) to standard uai MMAP (uai, map) format
- convert uai MMAP (uai, map) standard format to MI-MMAP (uai, mi, pvo) mixed format
- relax input influence diagram (input, output in ID-UAI format)
- generates relaxed partial variable ordering *.relaxed.pvo and *.png file showing relaxed influence diagram
- converts UAI format (.uai, .pvo, .id) to limid format
draw graphs
- upgrade to to python3
- upgrade code to recent networkx libs
- use logger