is a lightweight Python library that provides a simple way to generate JSON schemas based on function signatures.
It wraps functions and automatically creates JSON schemas that describe their parameters.
This is particularly useful for validating input arguments in APIs or other dynamic environments.
- Generate JSON schemas based on function signatures.
- Supports Python's type hints, including:
- Provides a convenient
function to decorate and manage schema-aware functions.
Here are some example use cases:
>>> import pprint
>>> import olinguito
>>> @olinguito.wrap
... def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
... """Adds two integers."""
... return a + b
>>> add.func # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<function add at ...>
>>> pprint.pprint(add.parameters)
{'additionalProperties': False,
'properties': {'a': {'type': 'integer'}, 'b': {'type': 'integer'}},
'required': ['a', 'b'],
'type': 'object'}
>>> add.doc
'Adds two integers.'
>>> add.name
>>> add(1, 2)
>>> from typing import TypedDict
>>> class User(TypedDict):
... name: str
... age: int | None
>>> @olinguito.wrap
... def create_user(user: User) -> str:
... """Creates a user and returns a confirmation message."""
... return f"User {user['name']} created."
>>> create_user.func # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<function create_user at ...>
>>> pprint.pprint(create_user.parameters)
{'additionalProperties': False,
'properties': {'user': {'additionalProperties': False,
'properties': {'age': {'type': ['integer', 'null']},
'name': {'type': 'string'}},
'required': ['name', 'age'],
'type': 'object'}},
'required': ['user'],
'type': 'object'}
>>> create_user.doc
'Creates a user and returns a confirmation message.'
>>> create_user.name
>>> create_user({'name': 'Graham'})
'User Graham created.'
>>> from typing import Literal
>>> @olinguito.wrap
... def greet(msg: Literal["hello", "bye"]) -> str:
... """Sends messages."""
... return f"I said {msg}."
>>> pprint.pprint(greet.parameters)
{'additionalProperties': False,
'properties': {'msg': {'enum': ['hello', 'bye'], 'type': 'string'}},
'required': ['msg'],
'type': 'object'}
>>> from typing import Annotated
>>> @olinguito.wrap
... def process_item(
... item_id: Annotated[int, olinguito.description("The ID of the item")],
... quantity: Annotated[int, olinguito.description("Quantity to process")]
... ) -> bool:
... """Processes an item."""
... return quantity > 0
>>> process_item.func # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<function process_item at ...>
>>> pprint.pprint(process_item.parameters)
{'additionalProperties': False,
'properties': {'item_id': {'description': 'The ID of the item',
'type': 'integer'},
'quantity': {'description': 'Quantity to process',
'type': 'integer'}},
'required': ['item_id', 'quantity'],
'type': 'object'}
>>> process_item.doc
'Processes an item.'
>>> process_item.name
>>> process_item(3, 2)
>>> @olinguito.wrap
... def subtract(x: int, y: int) -> int:
... """Subtracts two integers."""
... return x - y
>>> @olinguito.wrap
... def multiply(x: int, y: int) -> int:
... """Multiplies two integers."""
... return x * y
>>> mapping = olinguito.Mapping(add, multiply)
>>> len(mapping)
>>> mapping["multiply"](2, 3) # Accessing via item lookup
>>> mapping("subtract", 6, 5) # Calling functions by name
The olinguito is a small, agile mammal found in the cloud forests of the Andes.
Similarly, this library is designed to be lightweight, focused, and straightforward for your Python projects.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Contributions are welcome!
Please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.