FunctionalDependencyInjection is a JavaScript library that brings the power of Dependency Injection to functional programming.
// sample-mylib.js
// Retrieving the current language
export function getLanguage() {
// Actually retrieve from browser language settings, etc.
return 'fr';
// Retrieving internationalized string resources
export function getResource(language) {
return {
'en': {
'Hello': 'Hello',
'ja': {
'Hello': 'こんにちは'
'fr': {
'Hello': 'Bonjour'
// Retrieving a string with the specified message ID from resources
export function getResourceString(resource, messageId) {
return resource[messageId];
export default {
// fdi.js
import { FDI } from './functional-dependency-injection.js';
import { getLanguage, getResource, getResourceString } from './sample-mylib.js';
// add functions to the DI container
FDI.addFunction('getLanguage', () => () => SampleMyLib.getLanguage());
FDI.addFunction('getResource', (getLanguage) => () => SampleMyLib.getResource(getLanguage()));
FDI.addFunction('getResourceString', (getResource) => (messageId) => SampleMyLib.getResourceString(getResource(), messageId));
export default FDI;
// Your new project 'Say Hello'
function sayHello(getResourceString, name) {
const hello = getResourceString('Hello');
return `${hello}, ${name}!`;
// Add the project function to the container
FDI.addFunctions('sayHello'], (getResourceString) => (name) => sayHello(getResourceString, name));
// Run the project 'Say Hello'
function main() {
const sayHello = FDI.getRequiredFunction('sayHello');
const hello = sayHello('Jun-ichi');
console.log(hello); // Bonjour, Jun-ichi!