You can order your healthy food :)
I recommend that you use json-server
to provide you a backend.
First, clone this project.
Run the npm
npm install
Run the server (same directory)
~ Do not forget to copy databases cp ./public/db.example.json ./public/db.json
Then run...
json-server --watch ./public/db.json --watch --port 8080
Then run the dev server
npm run dev
- ViteJS
- ReactJS
- ContextAPI
- Reducers
- States
- Routes
- Axios
- Sass
- React Router DOM
- React Toastify
- Bootstrap 5
- ReactJS
- Improve the frontend
- Add ContextAPI and Reducers
- Multiple and single pages for product showing
- Search products on main banner (shared state)
- Add API actions for CRUD (JSON SERVER)
- Currency API for converting the prices
- Send the order to WhatsApp or Telegram