- Project proposed by: Lucila Bento, Vinícius de Sá & Jayme Szwarcfiter
- Project developed by: Julio L. Muller
- Released on: Out 5, 2020
- Updated on: Out 5, 2020
- Latest version: 1.0.0
- License: MIT
The main objective of this project is to develop a solution in C language to the k-complementary problem or the Pair Sum Problem using the hash table data structure. This was based on a brazilian paper with other 3 problems that can be solved with hash tables.
Being constant k
a positive integer number and being A
an unordered list of |A| = n
integers, the k-Complementary Problem consists on determining all {x, y}
pairs of elements within A
, since the sum of x
and y
is equal to k
Given an positive integer k
and a list A
of n
unordered integers, we must find out whether there is a pair {x, y} ⊂ A
such that x + y = k
. This is a particular case of the well-known Subset Sum Problem, in which there are no restrictions on the size of the subsets summing k
If we use, as an example, the inputs A = [1, -4, 18, 11, 2, 9, -3, 5, 560, 10]
and k = 20
, the outputs will be the pairs of numbers that satisfy the condition: {2, 18}
, {9, 11}
and {10, 10}
For a naive solution, we just need to check all pairs {x, y}
of elements of A
. If x + y
equals k
, return it and stop. Although no extra space is required, the number of additions and comparisons to be performed is O(n²) in the worst case.
We want to do better. First note that, if we select an element x
of A
, we can look for its complement y = k - x
in A
, and the problem becomes now a search problem. If, for each x
, we need to traverse the whole list to check whether it contains its complement, then our algorithm still demands O(n²) time. A better alternative would be to first sort the list A
, and then, for each x ∈ A
, look for its complement using binary search, whereupon our time complexity would be O(n log n).
We can use a hash set to store the elements of A
. The amount of space we need is that to store n
integers (scattered along their respective buckets) plus an underlying array with n / α
positions. For a constant load factor α
, that means O(n) space, while the average time of all dictionary operations is as good as O(1) under the simple uniform hashing assumption. The overall expected time of such algorithm is therefore also O(n), corresponding to the O(n) insertions and lookups in the hash set, in the worst case.
- Hash Tables data structure;
- Transforming a O(n²) into a O(n) solution;
- C language
- Minimalist GNU for Windows
To execute the program, first you need to compile its source code using a C compiler. As I am on Windows, I'm using MinGW that allows me to use gcc
for compilation:
# Compiles the application to "kc.exe"
$ gcc main.c -o kc
# Run the application
$ kc
# Run the application using files as standard input
$ kc < test1.txt
$ kc < test2.txt