Tool to convert model to code.
Design more and program less: Most projects have a lot of similar code. This tool allows you to create templates and models to generate code. Increasing productivity and reducing human error.
Easy to migrate from another technology: Once created templates and model, is possible change the technology by changing the interpreter.
Flexible: If you can choose which parts want generic or not.
- Python 2.7.15
interpreter/$python myproject.json ../input/example interpreterVue:vue.json,interpreterPG:pg.json
python [projectJSON
] [modelPath
] [interpreters
: Project filename in format JSON.
: Project path than containg the model files.
: Interpreters you want to use.
This is the architecture divided into inputs, interpreters and outputs.
Inputs: All the information that the interpreter needs to generate code containing: template, template and config.
Interpreters: Are set of actions generate code.
Outputs: And all the code generated by the interpreters.
+------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+
| | | | | |
| - Modelo | | - Tech Foo | | - MyProject |
| - Template | | - Tech Bar | | |
| - Config | | | | |
+------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+
This JSON file is a model project. Here will put all information about project, like: Components, Models and Flow.
"project": "My Application",
"description": "My super amazing application",
"components": [
"name": "MyForm",
"area": "components",
"filename": "myForm.vue",
"tag": "my-form"
"models": [
"name": "user",
"fields": [
{"field": "id", "type": "number"},
{"field": "name", "type": "string"},
{"field": "age", "type": "integer"},
{"field": "password", "type": "string"}
This is a config file interpreter. Is a simple example when you connect the actions like myFunction
with my-tag
to generate code:
"root": "/example",
"inPath": "../../input/example",
"outPath": "c:/myabsolutepath/model2code/output",
"templatePath": "../input/example/templates/vue",
"symbol": "@@",
"actions" : [
{ "action": "createDirectory", "pathOut":""},
{ "action": "createDirectory", "pathOut":"/front"},
{ "action": "createDirectory", "pathOut":"/front/src"},
{ "action": "copy", "filename": "App.vue", "pathIn":"/src", "pathOut":"/front/src",
"actions": [
{"action": "myFunction", "tag": "my-tag"}
This is a simple example code template than interpreter will replace de tag @@my-tag@@
export default {
This is a basic interpreter when is execute de action myFunction
replacing de tag @@my-tag@@
to code HTML:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from interpreter import Interpreter
class InterpreterVue:
def __init__(self, configJSON):
self.interpreter = Interpreter(configJSON)
self.config = self.interpreter.getConfig()
def myFunction(self, data):
code = ""
for c in data['components']:
code += "<{}/>\n".format(c['parameters']['tag'])
return code
def generateCode(self, item, model, content):
if 'actions' in item:
for el in item['actions']:
if el['action'] == "myFunction":
print(' adding myFunction works!...')
content = self.interpreter.replace(content, el['tag'], self.myFunction(model) )
return content
def generate(self, filenameJSON):
templateDirectory = self.interpreter.getPathTemplate()
outputDirectory = self.interpreter.getPathOut()
model = self.interpreter.loadModel(filenameJSON)
for el in self.config['actions']:
if el['action'] == "createDirectory":
print("- Create directory {} ...".format(el['pathOut']))
self.interpreter.createDirectory(outputDirectory + el['pathOut'])
if el['action'] == "copy":
filenameIn = templateDirectory+"{}/{}".format(el["pathIn"], el['filename'])
print("- Coping file {} ...".format(filenameIn))
content = self.interpreter.loadFile(filenameIn)
content = self.generateCode(el, model, content)
filenameOut = outputDirectory+"{}/{}".format(el["pathOut"], el['filename'])
self.interpreter.saveFile(filenameOut, content)