This deployment is for tests and development purpose
Automated deployment of NodeBB with the following resourses on Azure :
- Service Plan using Web App on linux (Preview) - Basic B1 Plan
- Redis Cache on PaaS - Basic C0 Plan
- WebApp hosted on the Service Plan calling the NodeBB Container : julienstroheker/nodebb-on-Azure
Give a name for the resource Group
Pick a location !! Because the Service Plan on Linux is still in preview, you can only pick the following one : West Europe - Southeast Asia - West US
Fill the suffix field. This one allow you to name your ressources on Azure, for example if you enter 'julienstro' you will have the following name :
- nodebb-red-julienstroXXXXX (Redis resource)
- nodebb-sp-julienstroXXXXX (Service Plan resource)
- nodebb-web-julienstroXXXXX (Web App resource)
The XXXXX represent random char. generated during the deployement, it will help you to have unique names on Azure.
Tick "I agree to the ..." at the bottom and then click on purchase
Please allow a certain amont of time for the deployment of Redis
When you deployment is succeeded
browse you resource group and click on the Redis Cache Service
Copy the hostname
Click on Show Access keys and copy your Primary keys
Back to your resource group, click now on your App Service
Click on the URL
A new tab will open, fill the NodeBB Installer informations with your parameters
And Voila you should be ready to use NodeBB on Azure !
Open an issue or reach me : @ju_stroh