Releases: julien-boudry/Condorcet
Releases · julien-boudry/Condorcet
Version 3.1.3
Console: Improve column width, prevent most of table cuts depending on the width of the terminal.
Version 3.2.0
An important technical upgrade without many notable users changes.
- Use PHP 8.1 new features (and minimal requirements). Resulting in more modern code & performances improvements.
- Result class now offers some publics (PHP 8.1) readonly properties in addition to getter methods.
- New Exceptions class and Exceptions hierarchies. Users must review all usage with exceptions captures. All new Exceptions extend the old CondorcetException class. But exceptions codes are no more used. (thanks @toddy15 for help and initiative)
- Improved documentation.
- Method::setOption() now only accept BackEnum or int parameter.
- StvQuotas parameters is now an Enum instead of a string.
Internal changes
- Improved and refactored documentation generator tool.
- Add some dev & quality tools like Infection resulting in code quality improvements and news tests (thanks @toddy15 for help and initiative).
- Reduce Docker image size
Version 2.2.4
- Bug fix: Command-line fatal error on NULL natural Condorcet winner / loser #72
Version 3.1.1
- __CondorcetAutoloader check for the minimal PHP version #56
- Bugfix: KemenyYoung wrong results when using Election::removeCandidates()
- Various documentation fixes and improvements
Internal changes
- Docker: Upgrade Debian base image to Bullseye
Version 3.1.0
Introduces support for proportional methods. And adds some.
- Minimal support for proportional methods
- New Single Transferable Vote (STV) method, a proportional one.
- New Options system for methods with parameters. Easier to use that extend and register class. Include new API methods.
- New methods Multiple Round system replace Two-round system and takes advantage of the method options. This change is backward compatible.
- Add IRV as an alias for Instant Runoff #48
- getResult() Fix arbitrary candidate ordering on a rank. Now have consistency with getRanking and others.
- Some console improvements in style.
- Console: Shorten show-method-stats to method-stats #49
- Compatibility with PHP 8.1
Internal changes
- Small optimizations for InstantRunoff
- Static class for tie-breaking. Used by InstantRunoff but can be useful for further uses.
Dev changes
- CondorcetDocumentator now using PHP8 attribtues.
Version 3.0.2
- Fix typos in command line options
- Add command line option: --show-method-stats
Version 3.0.1
- Bugfix Issue #32
Version 3.0
Use latest PHP 8.0 functionality and improvements.
- Documentation tools code is now included in this main repository instead of composer dependency. (and it's completely refactored)
- Most of the documentation use PHP8 Attributes instead of a big Yaml base file.
- Refactoring Kemeny–Young code and cache system.
- PHP8 syntax and functionality.
Version 2.2.1
- Timer functionality is now deactivated by default for performance reason. Can be reactivated manually:
php Condorcet:$UseTimer = true;
- Code cleanup and update for PHP 8.0