Version 3.2.0
An important technical upgrade without many notable users changes.
- Use PHP 8.1 new features (and minimal requirements). Resulting in more modern code & performances improvements.
- Result class now offers some publics (PHP 8.1) readonly properties in addition to getter methods.
- New Exceptions class and Exceptions hierarchies. Users must review all usage with exceptions captures. All new Exceptions extend the old CondorcetException class. But exceptions codes are no more used. (thanks @toddy15 for help and initiative)
- Improved documentation.
- Method::setOption() now only accept BackEnum or int parameter.
- StvQuotas parameters is now an Enum instead of a string.
Internal changes
- Improved and refactored documentation generator tool.
- Add some dev & quality tools like Infection resulting in code quality improvements and news tests (thanks @toddy15 for help and initiative).
- Reduce Docker image size