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More tests for map implementation
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ieugen committed May 16, 2023
1 parent e7c4cb8 commit dc7c141
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Showing 3 changed files with 270 additions and 27 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion examples/simple-deps/deps.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
:deps {datalevin/datalevin #_{:git/tag "0.6.21"
:git/sha "41d1915eb67b1606aab4807058ff24bb41fdb8e8"}
#_{:local/root "../.."}
{:mvn/version "0.8.16"}
{:mvn/version "0.8.14"}
babashka/fs {:mvn/version "0.4.18"}
com.cognitect/transit-clj {:mvn/version "1.0.329"}}
:aliases {:dev {:extra-paths ["test"]
:extra-deps { {:mvn/version "31.1-jre"}
Expand All @@ -16,11 +17,13 @@
com.rpl/proxy-plus {:mvn/version "0.0.9"}
com.amperity/dialog {:mvn/version "2.0.115"}
org.clojure/tools.logging {:mvn/version "1.2.4"}
lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.83.1314"}
;; allow us to run junit tests.
;; org.junit.jupiter/junit-jupiter {:mvn/version "5.9.3"}
;; guave testlib uses junit3 style of tests
;; org.junit.vintage/junit-vintage-engine {:mvn/version "5.9.3"}
junit/junit {:mvn/version "4.13.2"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "kaocha.runner"]
:jvm-opts ["--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED"
268 changes: 249 additions & 19 deletions examples/simple-deps/src/java_map.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,50 @@
(ns java-map
(:require [datalevin.core :as d]
[datalevin.interpret :as i]))
[datalevin.interpret :as i]
[ :as log]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:import (java.util Map$Entry

(defn entry-set-iterator
"Implemnts ^java.util.Iterator for use in entrySet implementation."
[db dbi & _opts]
(let [state (atom {})]
(reify java.util.Iterator
(let [state (atom {:current-key nil})]
(reify Iterator
(hasNext [_this]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
;; TODO: Using an atom is not very performant.
(let [k (:current-key @state)
;; _ (log/info "hasNext" k)
;; if v-typa and ignore-key? is true, then return true if
new-k (if (some? k)
(d/get-first db dbi [:greater-than k] :data :ignore)
;; when current-key is nil use :all
(d/get-first db dbi [:all k] :data :ignore))
;; _ (log/info "hasNext new-k" new-k)
;; get first
new-k (get new-k 0)]
(some? new-k)))
(next [_this]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(let [k (:current-key @state)
;; _ (log/info "next" k)
;; if v-typa and ignore-key? is true, then return true if
kv (if (some? k)
(d/get-first db dbi [:greater-than k] :data :data)
;; when current-key is nil use :all
(d/get-first db dbi [:all k] :data :data))
;; get first
new-k (when kv (nth kv 0))]
;; (log/info "next new-k" new-k)
(swap! state assoc :current-key new-k)
;; TODO: first and second are not performant
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. (first kv) (second kv))))
(remove [_this]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented"))))))

(let [k (:current-key @state)]
;; (log/trace "Remove" k)
(d/transact-kv db [:del dbi k :data]))))))

(defn entry-set-view
[db dbi & opts]
Expand All @@ -31,10 +59,24 @@
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(clear [_this]
(d/clear-dbi db dbi))
(contains [_this _o]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(containsAll [_this _c]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(contains [_this entry]
;; (log/info "Contains entry" entry)
(let [key (.getKey entry)
val (.getValue entry)
kv (d/get-value db dbi key :data :data)
v (second kv)]
(= val v)))
(containsAll [_this c]
;; (log/info "containsAll" c)
(fn [entry]
(when-not (instance? Map$Entry entry)
(throw (ClassCastException. "should be Map.Entry")))
(let [k (.getKey entry)
v (.getValue entry)
kv (d/get-value db dbi k :data :data)]
(= v kv)))
(isEmpty [_this]
(= 0 (d/entries db dbi)))
(iterator [_this]
Expand All @@ -49,7 +91,111 @@
(d/entries db dbi))))

(defn ->map
(defn key-set-iterator
"Implemnts ^java.util.Iterator for use in keySet implementation."
[db dbi & _opts]
(let [state (atom {:current-key nil})]
(reify Iterator
(hasNext [_this]
;; TODO: Using an atom is not very performant.
(let [k (:current-key @state)
;; _ (log/info "hasNext" k)
;; if v-typa and ignore-key? is true, then return true if
kv (if (some? k)
(d/get-first db dbi [:greater-than k] :data :ignore)
;; when current-key is nil use :all
(d/get-first db dbi [:all k] :data :ignore))
;; _ (log/info "hasNext new-k" kv)
;; get first
new-k (get kv 0)]
(some? new-k)))
(next [_this]
(let [k (:current-key @state)
;; _ (log/info "next" k)
;; if v-typa and ignore-key? is true, then return true if
new-k (if (some? k)
(d/get-first db dbi [:greater-than k] :data :data)
;; when current-key is nil use :all
(d/get-first db dbi [:all k] :data :data))
;; get first
new-k (when new-k (nth new-k 0))]
;; (log/info "next new-k" new-k)
(swap! state assoc :current-key new-k)
(remove [_this]
(let [k (:current-key @state)]
;; (log/trace "Remove" k)
(d/transact-kv db [:del dbi k :data]))))))

(defn key-set-view
[db dbi & opts]
(reify java.util.Set
(add [_this _e]
;; TODO: we could implement this but we wil break the Map contract
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(addAll [_this _c]
;; TODO: we could implement this but we wil break the Map contract
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(clear [_this]
(d/clear-dbi db dbi))
(contains [_this key]
;; (log/info "Contains key" key)
(let [kv (d/get-value db dbi key :data :data false)]
(some? kv)))
(containsAll [_this c]
;; (log/info "containsAll" c)
(fn [k]
(let [kv (d/get-value db dbi k :data :data false)]
(some? kv)))
(isEmpty [_this]
(= 0 (d/entries db dbi)))
(iterator [_this]
(key-set-iterator db dbi opts))
(remove [_this _o]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(removeAll [_this _c]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(retainAll [_this _c]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(size [_this]
(d/entries db dbi))))

(defn map-values
"Implements Collection view of map values"
[db dbi & opts]
(reify java.util.Collection
(^boolean containsAll [_this ^java.util.Collection c]
(log/info "map-values containsAll" c)
(fn [e]
(let [pred (i/inter-fn [kv]
(let [v (d/read-buffer (d/v kv))]
(= v e)))]
(some? (d/get-some db dbi pred [:all]))))
(^objects toArray [_this]
(into-array (d/get-range db dbi [:all] :data :data true)))
(^objects toArray [_this ^objects objects]
;; TODO: try to put values in provided objects array first
(into-array (.componentType (.getClass objects))
(d/get-range db dbi [:all] :data :data true)))))

(defn entry-to-str
"Entry as string key=val"
[^java.util.Map$Entry entry]
(let [k (.getKey entry)
v (.getValue entry)]
(str k "=" v)))

(defn hashMap
"Provide an implementation of java.util.Map interface backed by datalevin / LMDB.
Implements java.lang.AutoCloseable and can participate in with-open.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,6 +231,40 @@
(clear [_this]
(d/clear-dbi db dbi))

(computeIfAbsent [_this key mapping-function]
(log/info "computeIfAbsent" key mapping-function)
(when-not (some? key)
(throw (NullPointerException.)))
(when-not (some? mapping-function)
(throw (NullPointerException.)))
(let [v (.apply mapping-function key)]
(if (some? v)
;; v has a value so we try to add it if it's not present
(let [kv (d/get-value db dbi key :data :data false)]
(when-not (some? kv)
(d/transact-kv db [[:put dbi key v :data :data]])
;; v was null so we return it and do nothing

(computeIfPresent [_this key mapping-function]
(log/info "computeIfPresent" key mapping-function)
(when-not (some? key)
(throw (NullPointerException.)))
(when-not (some? mapping-function)
(throw (NullPointerException.)))
(let [kv (d/get-value db dbi key :data :data false)]
(if (some? kv)
;; kv has value (present) so we compute the new value
(let [old-v (nth kv 1)
v (.apply mapping-function key old-v)]
(when (some? v)
;; new value is present so we transact it
(d/transact-kv db [[:put dbi key v :data :data]])))
;; v was null so we return it and do nothing

(containsKey [_this key]
(let [kv (d/get-value db dbi key :data :data false)]
(some? kv)))
Expand All @@ -106,18 +286,27 @@
(= 0 (d/entries db dbi)))

(keySet [_this]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))
(key-set-view db dbi _opts))

(put [_this key value]
(d/transact-kv db [[:put dbi key value]]))
(log/info "Put" key "val:" value)
(when (nil? key)
(throw (NullPointerException. "Key is null.")))
(let [v (d/get-value db dbi key)]
(d/transact-kv db [[:put dbi key value]])

(putAll [_this m]
(when (nil? m)
(throw (NullPointerException. "Collection is null.")))
(let [entries (.entrySet m)
parts (partition-all put-all-batch-size entries)
entry->txn (fn entry->txn [e]
[:put dbi (.getKey e) (.getValue e)])]
(let [k (.getKey e)
v (.getValue e)]
(when-not (some? k)
(throw (NullPointerException. "Null key")))
[:put dbi k v]))]
(doseq [p parts]
;; convert entries from p into transactions
(let [txns (into [] (map entry->txn p))]
Expand All @@ -133,8 +322,15 @@
(size [_this]
(d/entries db dbi))

(values [_this]
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Not implemented")))))))
(map-values db dbi _opts))

(toString [_this]
(let [entries (.entrySet _this)
str-entries (str/join "," (map entry-to-str entries))]
(str "{" str-entries "}")))))))


Expand All @@ -144,7 +340,7 @@

(instance? datalevin.lmdb.ILMDB db)

(with-open [m (->map "/tmp/datalevin/map2" "a")]
(with-open [m (hashMap "/tmp/datalevin/map2" "a")]
(println (.size m))
(println (.clear m))
(println (.size m))
Expand All @@ -153,7 +349,7 @@
(println (.containsValue m "b"))
(println (.size m)))

(with-open [m (->map "/tmp/datalevin/map2" "a")]
(with-open [m (hashMap "/tmp/datalevin/map2" "a")]
(println (.get m 1)))

(let [pred (i/inter-fn [kv]
Expand All @@ -174,7 +370,7 @@

(d/transact-kv db [[:del "map-table" 36 :data]])

(let [my-map (->map db "map-table")]
(let [my-map (hashMap db "map-table")]
(println (.get my-map 42))
(.put my-map 36 "Is the secret number")
(.get my-map 36)
Expand All @@ -183,5 +379,39 @@
(println (.containsKey my-map 3))
(println (.containsKey my-map 42)))

(def db (d/open-kv "/netdava/DRE/DocSearch/workspace/projects/app-tasks/tmp/demographics-2023-05"))

(d/list-dbis db)
(d/open-dbi db "demographic-tags")
(d/open-dbi db "semmed-tags")

(d/open-dbi db "empty-db")

;; (d/get-first db "demographic-tags" [:greater-than nil] :string :data)

(d/get-first db "demographic-tags" [:all] :string :data)

(let [a (d/get-first db "demographic-tags"
[:all] :string :ignore)
b (d/get-first db "demographic-tags"
[:greater-than nil] :string :ignore)]
(println "a is" a)
(println "b is" b))

(d/get-first db "empty-db" [:all] :string :data)

(d/get-first db "empty-db" [:greater-than nil] :string :ignore true)

(d/get-first db "demographic-tags" [:all-back] :string :data)

(with-open [range (d/range-seq db "demographic-tags" [:all] :string :ignore)]
(doseq [item (take 10 range)]
(println item)))

(d/close-kv db)


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