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Security: juhu1705/locodrive

Security Policy

Supported Versions

Version Supported
0.1.x [x]

Reporting a Vulnerability

To report vulnerabilities please email me to or create security advisory.

Please describe the vulnerability as detailed as you can. And leave a description on how to recreate if possible. I will look up the vulnerability when I have time next. It could be that I have further questions, so to ensure that I can understand the issue you can leave me a contact possibility. As this is only a hobby project I cannot safely secure that I can update this security issue, but I try my very best. If I accept the vulnerability I am on the way to fix it.

If I decline the vulnerability I may not have enough time to fix it for now or will not fix it.

In every case I am very happy of helping hands. So you are allowed to make pull requests where you fixed or start to fix these issues, and I will if they are enhancements commit them.

There aren’t any published security advisories