This guide is loosely following one of Hynek's fantastic blog posts:
This document is meant as a help for the maintainer only.
- make sure changelog is up to date
- make sure the long_description can be rendered properly, ie. check with longtest (zest.releaser)
- make sure the version number is set correctly in
# create a development environment
$ tox --devenv dev-env
# install all necessary build tools
$ dev-env/bin/pip install -U pip pep517 twine
# make clean slate
$ rm -rf build dist
# build the packages
$ dev-env/bin/python -m .
# make clean slate
$ rm -rf venv-sdist
# create a venv for the sdist installation test
$ virtualenv venv-sdist
# install package in sdist format
$ venv-sdist/bin/pip install dist/Products.ZopeTree-3.0.0.tar.gz # swap version number
# check the installed package
$ venv-sdist/bin/python
>>> import Products.ZopeTree
# make clean slate
$ rm -rf venv-wheel
# create a venv for the wheel installation test
$ virtualenv venv-wheel
# install the package in wheel format
$ venv-wheel/bin/pip install dist/Products.ZopeTree-3.0.0-py3-none-any.whl # swap version number
# check the installed packaged
$ venv-wheel/bin/python
>>> import Products.ZopeTree
# upload to test pypi
$ dev-env/bin/twine upload -r test --sign dist/Products.ZopeTree*
# upload to pypi
$ dev-env/bin/twine upload -r pypi --sign dist/Products.ZopeTree*