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URL Shortener API built with Javascript & Terraform. Submit URL & Receive unique code. Submit code & Receive original URL. Deployment through Github Actions -> Terraform -> AWS

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URL Shortener API

URL Shortener API | CQRS Pattern | Infrastructure by Terraform

GitHub last commit GitHub issues GitHub pull requests

Core Features • API Development Life cycle • API Testing • API Documentation • CQRS Pattern • Further Improvements • Contribute

Core Features

  1. Ability to submit URL to API (POST request):
% curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"url": "https://this-is-my-sample-original-url"}' \


  1. Should receive hashCode associated with original URL. This approach allows multiple short-url domains to interact with this API.

  2. hashCode can then be used to build https://<api-id>.execute-api.<region> and should return original URL (GET request):

% curl https://<api-id>.execute-api.<region>



Clarification: once a Route53 record is configured with a custom domain name, the full production URL should look like this:

  1. hashCode generation can be as simple or complicated as required. In order to create a unique hash from a specific string, it can be implemented using:

    4.a. Its own string-to-hash converting function. It will return the hash equivalent of a string. (approach implemented)

    4.b. N digits hashCode composed of [0-9a-zA-Z] types of characters (a-z represent 26 characters + A-Z represent 26 characters + 0-9 equals 62 characters in total).

    This is BASE62 encoding.

    Which provides with 62^N possibilities for IDs -> For N = 5 -> Total amount of unique IDs: 916.132.832.

    For URLs that require to be human readable, there is a potential issue with BASE62 enconding since 0 (NUMBER) and O (LETTER) can be confused. Same applies for l (lowercase LETTER) and I (capital LETTER). Removing these 4 characters, leaves us with BASE58 enconding which is better for human readable URLs purpose.

    4.c. Also, a library named Crypto can be used to generate various types of hashes like SHA1, MD5, SHA256, and many more. (further development)


API Development Life Cycle

Configuration steps

  1. Clone repository.
  2. Validate Terraform <-> Github Actions <-> AWS integration:
  3. Adjuste file to your own Terraform workspace specifications.

Adding a new endpoint (same applies for existing endpoints)

  1. Create a new branch from main.
  2. Create a new NodeJS function folder. Run npm init & npm install <module> as you need.
  3. Create a new Lambda function through Terraform.
  4. Create a new Terraform Integration for said Lambda function.
  5. Create unit, integration, load_test tests for said Lambda function.
  6. AWS Lambda functions can be tested locally using aws invoke command (
  7. Apply linting best practices to new function file.
  8. Add unit, integration, load_test steps into Github Actions (ci_cd.yml) following the same pattern as other lambda functions.
  9. Commit changes in your feature branch and create a New Pull Request.
  10. Pre Deployment Github Actions workflow will be triggered in your new branch:

  1. Validate workflow run results.
  2. Once everything is validated by yourself and/or colleagues, push a new commit (it could be an empty one) with the word [deploy].
  3. This will trigger pre deployment and post deployment steps within the Github Actions workflow:

  1. Once everything is validated by yourself and/or colleagues, you can merge your branch into main.

  2. Once Github Actions workflow is successfully completed, a valuable addition is sending a notification with workflow results into Slack channel/s:

# .github/workflows/ci_cd.yml


  runs-on: [ubuntu-latest]
  timeout-minutes: 7200
  needs: [linting, unit_tests, deployment, integration_tests, load_tests]
  if: ${{ always() }}
    - name: Send Slack Notification
      uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@v2
      if: always()
        SLACK_CHANNEL: devops-sample-slack-channel
        SLACK_COLOR: ${{ job.status }}
        SLACK_MESSAGE: |
          "Lambda Functions (Linting): ${{ needs.linting.outputs.status || 'Not Performed' }}" \
          "Lambda Functions (Unit Testing): ${{ needs.unit_tests.outputs.status || 'Not Performed' }}" \
          "API Deployment: ${{ needs.deployment.outputs.status }}" \
          "API Tests (Integration): ${{ needs.integration_tests.outputs.status || 'Not Performed' }}" \
          "API Tests (Load): ${{ needs.load_tests.outputs.status || 'Not Performed' }}"
        SLACK_TITLE: CI/CD Pipeline Results
        SLACK_USERNAME: Github Actions Bot
        SLACK_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK }}

CI/CD Slack Notification example:

API Testing

Testing is conducted on 3 steps within Github Actions workflow:

  1. Lambda Functions (Unit testing) - Query Lambda Function
  2. API Testing (Integration) - Command Lambda Function
  3. API Testing (Load) - Query Lambda Function

CI/CD (Github Actions -> Terraform -> AWS)

  • Deployment can be triggered from GIT commit messages by including [deploy] within a commit message.

  • Deployment can be triggered manually by using Terraform CLI within terraform folder in repository:

% cd terraform
% terraform init
% terraform apply
  • Pre Deployment linting and unit_tests steps are triggered by Github Actions.

  • Post Deployment integration_tests and load_tests steps are triggered by Github Actions.

  • Github Actions workflow can be customized here:
# .github/workflows/ci_cd.yml

name: "CI/CD Pipeline"

      - "terraform/**"
      - ".github/workflows/**"
      - main

API Documentation

  1. Swagger / OpenAPI YAML documentation file (format easier to read & maintain) created following standard guidelines:

  2. YAML file converted into JSON (since Swagger UI script requires a JSON file):

docs/api/v1% brew install yq
docs/api/v1% yq -o=json eval main.yml > main.json
  1. JSON file can be accessed through:

    3.a. Github repository itself as: or

    3.b. S3 bucket that will contain main.yml. Bucket created and file uploaded through Terraform. URL provided through output terraform command. Sample Terraform Code

  • Both file accessibility options available within this repository.
  1. static API Documentation standalone HTML page generated within docs/api/v1 folder in repository:

  2. Within static API Documentation page, replace url value with your own JSON file's URL from point 3 above:

      window.onload = () => {
        window.ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
          // url: "",
          dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
  1. A static website can also be hosted within S3 Bucket:
  • To upload files aws sync command is recommended. E.g.: aws s3 sync docs/api/v1 s3://$YOUR_BUCKET_NAME

CQRS Pattern

Pattern implemented within REST API to handle read/write requests.

CQRS stands for Command and Query Responsibility Segregation, a pattern that separates reads and writes into different models, using commands to update data, and queries to read data.

query and upsert (updates or creates) responsibilities are split (segregated) into different services (e.g.: AWS Lambda Functions)

Technically, this can be implemented in HTTP so that the Command API is implemented exclusively with POST routes, while the Query API is implemented exclusively with GET routes.

For high number of POST requests, an improvement is to decouple command Lambda function from DynamoDB table by adding an SQS Queue in between.

command Lambda function no longer writes to DynamoDB table.

This way:

  1. command Lambda function sends url attributes into command SQS Queue as message:
// Lambda function persists `url` record into `urls` DynamoDB Table
// await ddb.putItem(params).promise();

// Lambda function sends `url` attributes into `command` SQS Queue as message.
const messageParams = {
  MessageAttributes: {
    Author: {
      DataType: "String",
      StringValue: "URL Shortener API - `command` Lambda Function",
  MessageBody: JSON.stringify(params),
  QueueUrl: "https://sqs.<region><account-id>/command-sqs-queue",
  1. SQS Queue message is picked up by upsert Lambda function.
  2. upsert Lambda function persists record into urls DynamoDB Table:
event.Records.forEach(async (record) => {
  const message = record.body;

  try {
    messageJSON = JSON.parse(message);

    if (!messageJSON.Item) {
      throw new Error("`Item` not provided within message");
    if (!messageJSON.Item.Id) {
      throw new Error("`Item.Id` not provided within message");
    if (!messageJSON.Item.OriginalUrl) {
      throw new Error("`Item.OriginalUrl` not provided within message");

    params["Item"] = { Id: { S: messageJSON.Item.Id.S } };
    params["Item"]["OriginalUrl"] = { S: messageJSON.Item.OriginalUrl.S };

    await ddb.putItem(params).promise();
  } catch (err) {
    statusCode = 400;
    responseBody = err.message;

AWS Infrastructure Design (Improvement)

This set of improvements include services like:

AWS Route 53 (DNS), AWS CloudFront and S3 (storing and distributing static content: HTML/CSS/JS) and AWS Cognito (Authentication).

AWS ElastiCache is also posible to implement for READ operations within AWS Query Lambda function.

Further Improvements

New features (or improvements) that come to mind while working on core features are placed on this list

  • API Rate Limiting

In order to avoid malicious requests (e.g.: bots) attempting to:

  1. Used up all possibilities for unique codes or

  2. Sabotage API's availability for other users.

Rate Limiting is a good improvement to avoid those scenarios and can be accomplished by:

  1. Implementing a Captcha step within frontend app.

  2. Generate Free/Basic/Premium membership plans (API Token) within AWS API Gateway and set daily/weekly request limits for users based on membership plans.

  • HTTP Redirections When returning an existing URL, we should return a 302 HTTP code for future client's request:

  • Infrastructure code refactoring:
  1. Implement modules with parameters along Terraform Lambda functions and API Gateway integrations to avoid code duplication.

  2. Implement a single Terraform file where all resources can be seen referenced and modules implemented. This brings even more clarity when reviewing Terraform code.

  • GET /urls/{url} path parameter can be sent as GET /urls?url={url} query parameter instead. Adjust aws_api_gateway_integration terraform resource:

  • POST /urls request could be triggered twice (or more) with the same url on its payload. Adjust backend to support this scenario. Create record in table for first request. Do not create another record for second request.

  • GET /urls/{code} request could be triggered many times. Consider caching implementation at:

    1. AWS API Gateway level or
    2. AWS DynamoDB level (DAX)
  • Expand on CQRS pattern implementation, for high number of POST /urls requests decouple them by adding an SQS Queue instead of writing directly into DynamoDB table. (Improvement implemented)

  • URLs shortened can be temporal or permanent ones:

  1. permanent URLs need payment by authenticated users first.

  2. temporal URLs only last 24hs and can be created through a public endpoint.

  • Task running in background should remove temporal URLs from database after 24hs. This could be implemented through a AWS Bridge Event - Schedule rule triggered once every 24hs that is connected to a remove_temporal_urls Lambda function.

  • To increase chances of finding a URL with GET /urls/{code} requests, consider pre-generating records in table:

  1. Once an enconding (e.g.: BASE62, BASE58, etc) is decided and also

  2. the number (N) of maximum amount of digits a hashCode needs to be,

  3. we are able to predict the total spectrum of possible values generated,

  4. therefore a task running in background to generate this hashCode values and insert them in the database will effectively increase chances of finding a requested hashCode, leaving only the task of

  5. associating a long URL with a hashCode during POST /urls requests workflow.

URL Shortener Frontend

Frontend App can be built with:

  1. Any frontend framework such as: Angular, React, NextJS.

  2. With jQuery as a static HTML page.


Got something interesting you'd like to add or change? Please feel free to Open a Pull Request

If you want to say thank you and/or support the active development of Terraform URL Shortener:

  1. Add a GitHub Star to the project.
  2. Tweet about the project on your Twitter.
  3. Write a review or tutorial on Medium, or personal blog.


URL Shortener API built with Javascript & Terraform. Submit URL & Receive unique code. Submit code & Receive original URL. Deployment through Github Actions -> Terraform -> AWS






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