added termrangequery. separated packed long values from delta_packed …
added termrangequery. separated packed long values from delta_packed …
add some more unimplemented bitss
add some more unimplemented bitss
separated complex explanation from explanation
separated complex explanation from explanation
fix possible misuse of unsafe.Pointer in map
fix possible misuse of unsafe.Pointer in map
added querywrapperfilter. fixed bug in UTF8toUTF16
added querywrapperfilter. fixed bug in UTF8toUTF16
added xsqra_m. added roaringdocidset from lucene v5. added cachingwra…
added xsqra_m. added roaringdocidset from lucene v5. added cachingwra…
implemented some more unimplemented bits
implemented some more unimplemented bits
added unimplemented nextLeaf and nextNonLeaf on segmentTermsEnumFrame
added unimplemented nextLeaf and nextNonLeaf on segmentTermsEnumFrame
added prefixquery. fixed bug in fixedbitset iterator
added prefixquery. fixed bug in fixedbitset iterator
fixed bug in simple parser. implemented phrasequery in query builder
fixed bug in simple parser. implemented phrasequery in query builder
renamed files to better match the lucene src code (more sanity). wild…
renamed files to better match the lucene src code (more sanity). wild…
added rocchio reranking. fixed bug in util/packed/blockpackedreaderit…
added rocchio reranking. fixed bug in util/packed/blockpackedreaderit…
fix import declaration for dev sanity
fix import declaration for dev sanity
implemented missing parts on codes/compressing/storedFieldsReader for…
implemented missing parts on codes/compressing/storedFieldsReader for…
set bool fields on fieldinfos to private
set bool fields on fieldinfos to private