GoToDoc is a Sublime Text 2 plugin to quickly open Go programming language document in your browser base on the selected packages, functions, types and keywords in Go source file.
GoToDoc supports 2 modes to open the corresponding document in your web browser
Go to the exact package document at for standard or for non-standard Package alias is supported, it's automatically looked up in the imported package list.
Google search on and go to the first result using "I'm Feeling Lucky".
Besides shortcut, you can access from menu Tools -> GoToDoc
You can install from, or using Sublime Text 2 Package Control
$ cd ${ST2_Package_Folder}
$ git clone git:// GoToDoc
Now you can install inside sublime text 2 with package control
You can customize the key bindings of GoToDoc by going to the menu Preferences -> Package Settings -> GoToDoc -> Key Bindings - Default