Basic backup of /home
to /mnt/backup_drive
docker run -d --name rsync-backup \
--volume /home:/home \
--volume /mnt/backup_drive:/backup \
The container can then be stopped with docker kill rsync-backup
For use on a normal machine, use the latest
For ARM computers (like the Raspberry Pi) use arm32v7
For remote backup, public key authentication used. SSH keys can be reused from
the host computer using a mounted volume, or they will be created automatically.
The generated public key is written to the log shown with docker logs rsync-backup
Example backup of /home
to /mnt/backup_drive
docker run -d --name rsync-backup \
--volume /mnt/backup_drive:/backup \
--volume /home/hostuser/.ssh:/ssh-keys \
--env SSH_IDENTITY_FILE=/ssh-keys/id_rsa \
--env \
This setup uses the id_rsa
key found in /home/hostuser/.ssh/
. It's mounted
to /ssh-keys
rather than /root/.ssh
because ssh stops if it finds a config
file with the wrong owner.
The backup can be configured using the environment variables, as show in the examples. Here is a full list of the variables, default values and uses.
REMOTE_HOSTNAME (""): Server being backed up. SSH host keys for this will be
scanned and added to known_hosts. For the actual backup, set BACKUPDIR.
BACKUPDIR ("/home"): Directory path to be archived. Usually remote or a
mounted volume.
SSH_PORT ("22"): Change if a non-standard SSH port number is used.
SSH_IDENTITY_FILE ("/root/.ssh/id_rsa"): Change to use a key mounted from
the host.
ARCHIVEROOT ("/backup"): It's good to mount a volume at this path. A folder
structure like this will be created:
├── 2017-11-06 #Incremental backup for each day
├── 2017-11-07
├── 2017-11-08
└── main # The latest backup, full
EXCLUDES (""): Semicolon separated list of exclude patterns. Use the format
described in the FILTER RULES section of the rsync man page. A limitation
is that semicolon may not be present in any of the patterns.
CRON_TIME ("0 1 * * *"): The time to do backups. The default is at 01:00
every night.
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