Implementation of in Ember
ember install ember-element-ui
- Layout
- el-row
- gutter
{{el-row gutter=20}}
- type
{{el-row type="flex"}}
- justify
{{el-row justify="end"}}
start/end/center/space-around/space-between - align
{{el-row align="middle"}}
top/middle/bottom -
tag- Skipped it
- gutter
- el-col
- span
{{el-col span=4}}
- offset
{{el-col offset=4}}
- push
{{el-col push=4}}
- pull
{{el-col pull=4}}
- xs
{{el-col xs=4}}
- sm
{{el-col sm=4}}
- md
{{el-col md=4}}
- lg
{{el-col lg=4}}
- xl
{{el-col xl=4}}
tag- Skipped it
- span
- el-row
- Layout Container
- el-container
- direction
{{el-container direction="vertical"}}
- Auto change direction to vertical if it have header or footer
- direction
- el-header
- height
- el-aside
- width
- el-footer
- height
- el-container
- Colors
- Typography
- Icons :
- Button
- size
{{el-button size="small"}}
medium / small / mini - type: changed it to
{{el-button color="danger"}}
primary / success / warning / danger / info / text - plain
{{el-button plain=true}}
- round
{{el-button round=true}}
- circle
{{el-button circle=true}}
- loading
{{el-button loading=true}}
- disabled
{{el-button disabled=true}}
- icon
{{el-button icon="el-icon-star-on"}}
You can user Font Awesome icons as wellfa fa-bars
- autofocus
{{el-button autofocus=true}}
- native-type: changed it to
- size
- Radios
- Radio
- Attributes
- label
{{el-radio label="first_name"}}
- disabled
{{el-radio disabled=true}}
- border
{{el-radio border=true}}
- size
{{el-radio size="small"}}
- name
{{el-radio name="optName"}}
- label
- Events
- change: changed to
{{el-radio action=(action "handleChange")}}
- change: changed to
- Attributes
- Radio Button
- Attributes
- label
{{el-radio-button label="first_name"}}
- disabled
{{el-radio-button disabled=true}}
- size
{{el-radio-button size="small"}}
- name
{{el-radio-button name="optName"}}
- label
- Events
- change: changed to
{{el-radio action=(action "handleChange")}}
- change: changed to
- Attributes
- Radio Group
- Attributes
- size:
{{el-radio-group size="medium"}}
- disabled:
{{el-radio-group disabled=true}}
- text-color:
- fill:
- size:
- Group Events
- change:
- Attributes
- Radio
- Checkboxes
- Checkbox
- Attributes
labelskipped it - true-label
- false-label
- disabled
{{el-checkbox disabled=true}}
- border
{{el-checkbox border=true}}
- size
{{el-checkbox size="small"}}
- name
{{el-checkbox name="optName"}}
- checked: changed it to
{{el-checkbox model=varName}}
- indeterminate:
- Events
- change
- Attributes
- Checkbox Button
- Attributes
- label
{{el-checkbox-button label="first_name"}}
- true-label
- false-label
- disabled
{{el-checkbox-button disabled=true}}
- size
{{el-checkbox-button size="small"}}
- name
{{el-checkbox-button name="optName"}}
- checked: changed it to
{{el-checkbox-button model=varName}}
- label
- Events
- change:
- Attributes
- Checkbox Group
- Attributes
- size:
{{el-checkbox-group size="medium"}}
- disabled:
{{el-checkbox-group disabled=true}}
- min:
- max:
- text-color:
- fill:
- size:
- Group Events
- change:
- Attributes
- Checkbox
- Input
- input
- type
{{el-input type="password"}}
- value
{{el-input value=var_name}}
- maxlength
- minlength
- placeholder
{{el-input placeholder="Enter Login"}}
- clearable
{{el-input clearable=true}}
- On hover and on Focus events
- disabled
{{el-input disabled=true}}
- size
{{el-input size="small"}}
- prefix-icon
{{el-input prefixIcon="fa fa-bars"}}
- suffix-icon
{{el-input suffixIcon="fa fa-bars"}}
- autocomplete
{{el-input autocomplete="off"}}
- name
{{el-input name="username"}}
- readonly
{{el-input readonly=true}}
- max
- min
- step
- resize
- form
- label
- tabindex
- when type is text only
- prefix
- suffix
- prepend
- append
- input events
- blur
- focus
- change
- clear
- input methods
- focus
- blur
- select
- type
- input autocomplete
- placeholder
- disabled
- value-key
- icon
- value
- debounce
- placement
- fetch-suggestions
- popper-class
- trigger-on-focus
- name
- select-when-unmatched
- label
- prefix-icon
- suffix-icon
- hide-loading
- popper-append-to-body
- prefix
- suffix
- prepend
- append
- Events
- select
- Method
- focus
- text area
- rows
- autosize
- name
- input
- InputNumber
- Select
- Cascader
- Switch
- Slider
- TimePicker
- DatePicker
- DateTimePicker
- Upload
- Rate
- ColorPicker
- Transfer
- Form
- Table
- Tag
{{#el-tag}}Tag #{{/el-tag}}
- attributes
- type
{{#el-tag type='warning'}}Tag #{{/el-tag}}
- closeable
{{#el-tag closeable=true}}Tag #{{/el-tag}}
- hit
{{#el-tag hit=true}}Tag #{{/el-tag}}
colorskipped it - size
{{#el-tag size="medium"}}Tag #{{/el-tag}}
- type
- events
- close
{{#el-tag close=(action 'tagAction')}}Tag #{{/el-tag}}
- close
- attributes
- Progress
- percentage
{{el-progress percentage=50}}
- type
{{el-progress type='circle'}}
- strokeWidth
{{el-progress strokeWidth=20}}
- textInside
{{el-progress textInside=true}}
- status
{{el-progress status='success'}}
- color
{{el-progress color='rgba(145,115,200,0.5)'}}
- width
{{el-progress width='150'}}
only for circle type - showText
{{el-progress showText=true}}
- percentage
- Tree
- Pagination
- Badge
- value
{{#el-badge value="new"}}content{/el-badge}}
- max
{{#el-badge value=15 max=20}}content{/el-badge}}
- isDot
{{#el-badge isDot=true}}content{/el-badge}}
- hidden
{{#el-badge hidden=true}}content{/el-badge}}
- type
{{#el-badge type="danger"}}content{/el-badge}}
- value
- Attributes
- title
{{el-alert title="Alert Title"}}
- type
{{el-alert title="Alert Title" type="warning"}}
- description
{{el-alert title="Alert Title" type="warning" description="Alert Description"}}
- closable
{{el-alert title="Alert Title" closeable=false}}
- center
{{el-alert title="Alert Title" type="warning" center=true}}
- closeText
{{el-alert title="Alert Title" type="warning" closeText="Sure"}}
- showIcon
{{el-alert title="Alert Title" type="warning" showIcon=true}}
- title
- Block Content
- Custom content
{{#el-alert title="Alert Title" type="warning" showIcon=true}} Custom Content {{/el-alert}}
- Custom content
- Event
- close
{{#el-alert title="Hi" action=(action "handleChange") }}
- close
- Attributes
Message : Do add
in parent template- Import service
message: service('message'),
- Usage
this.get('Message').success("Welcome Man Welcome", { // Msg.warning(); Msg.error(); duration: 3000, // Duration in MS, default 3000 iconClass: '', // if you need custom icon customClass: '', // if any custom class is needed onClose: null, // a callback function, Message object will be returned in that function showClose: false, // TO show close icon or not, default is false center: false, // Make text center, default is false autoClear: true, // should message auto remove or not, default to true return: {someObj: val}, // any object or value which you want in return });
- Import service
- Import service
messageBox: service('message-box'),
- Usage
this.get('Message').alert("Unable to Process", "Pending...");
- Import service
- NavMenu
- Menu
- Attributes
- mode
{{el-menu mode="horizontal"}}
- collapse
{{el-menu collpase=true}}
- background-color
- text-color
- active-text-color
- default-active
- default-opened
- unique-opened
- menu-trigger
- router
- collapse transition
- mode
- Methods
- open
- close
- Events
- select
- open
- close
- Attributes
- Menu Item
- title
{{el-menu-item title="Logout"}}
- icon
{{el-menu-item title="Logout" icon='el-icon-xxxx'}}
- disabled
{{el-menu-item title="Logout" disabled=true}}
- click: changed to
{{el-menu-item title="Logout" icon='el-icon-xxxx' action=(action "logout")}}
- title
- Menu Item Route
- title
{{#el-menu-item-route linkto='logout'}} Logout {{/el-menu-item-route}}
- icon
{{#el-menu-item-route linkto='logout' icon='el-icon-xxxx'}} Logout {{/el-menu-item-route}}
- disabled
{{#el-menu-item-route linkto='logout' disabled=true}} Logout {{/el-menu-item-route}}
- title
- Submenu
- icon
{{el-submenu icon="el-icon-location"}}
- title
{{el-submenu icon="el-icon-location" title="Member Settings"}}
- disabled
- popper-class
- show-timeout
- hide-timeout
- popper-append-to-body
- icon
- Menu Groups
- title
- Menu
- Tabs
- Breadcrumb
- Dropdown
- Steps
- Dialog
- Tooltip
- Popover
- Card
- Carousel
- Collapse
git clone <repository-url>
cd ember-element-ui
yarn install
yarn lint:hbs
yarn lint:js
yarn lint:js --fix
ember test
– Runs the test suite on the current Ember versionember test --server
– Runs the test suite in "watch mode"ember try:each
– Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions
ember serve
- Visit the dummy application at http://localhost:4200.
For more information on using ember-cli, visit
This project is licensed under the MIT License.