terminus auth login your@email.com
(authorizes your machine into pantheon - you need to create a machine token on pantheon.io before this will work)terminus sites create --upsteam=#### --site=site-name --label="Something good" --org=your-org-id
(will give you a CLI walkthrough to install an instance on pantheon infrastruture)terminus site dashboard --site=yoursitename
(automatically bounces you out to the pantheon dashboard GUI)terminus site connection-info --site=yoursitehere --env=dev --field=git_command\
(makes local git repo, NOTE backticks to get this to work)terminus wp 'core install --url --url=http://dev-example.pantheonsite.io --title="Name of site" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=somethinggood --admin_email="your@email.com"'
(sets up a wordpress site - not really sure why you wouldnt just use their one button installer but hey, there is a command if you want to make your life harder)terminus wp 'plugin install plugin-slug-from-wordpress.com --activate'
(installs plugin but will ask you for Pantheon admin pw for the site)terminus build:project:create github-repo-owner/github-repo-name YOUR-SITE-HERE
(builds a Wordpress / Drupal based site on Pantheon)