Save secret messages in your .png files!
PNGs with messages
Usage: pngme <COMMAND>
encode Encodes a message in a PNG file
decode Decodes a message in a PNG file
remove Removes a chunk type from a PNG file
print Prints message from a PNG file
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
For example, I encoded the message world using the chunk heLo:
Png: { header: [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10], chunks: ["length: 13, type: IHDR, data: \"non utf-8\", crc: 3275645387", "length: 8192, type: IDAT, data: \"non utf-8\", crc: 3793648251", "length: 2983, type: IDAT, data: \"non utf-8\", crc: 2006393086", "length: 0, type: IEND, data: \"\", crc: 2923585666", "length: 16, type: heLo, data: \"world\", crc: 2441798988"] }
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