a basic track for zero to hero in Javascript and full stack development.
For me I want to recap and get good at the basics... you can study a lot of things: shiney new technologies, different languages, algorithms, etc. but to really be the most efficient and to make the most out of any other study you need to know the basics.
"The Way" => Fundamentals(...not covered here), Language, Tools, Design Patters, Architecture, Skills
To become great: Solve problems well... in fact, solve them really well, be fast, teach others,
So the basic track goes like this:
theBasics (see (Mezzofanti)[http://github.com/jppope/Mezzofanti] for core)
- Comments
- Data types(undefined, null, boolean, string, number, symbol)
- Variables & Contstants
- Objects (more in OO)
- logical operators
- functions
- Iteration => for/ foreach/ while
- use of “this"
- Traversing Data Structures (Array/JSON)
- anonymous functions
- Array manipulation
- Math
- Callbacks
- Overview
- Prototypal
- Classical methods
- Constructor Methods
- Classical
- Classical methods
- Constructor Methods
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- String Interpolation
- Debugging
- recursive functions
- callback functions
- call back hell/ promises
- Prototype
- scope
- closures / lambdas
- bind
- map
- reduce
- apply
- XHR requests
- Constructing a pure function
- iterator/ generator
** Then putting it into practice ** underscores
Nodejs node in command line interaction with a database
Express routes http servers koa Vuejs React Titanium Alloy
user authentication Practical Application
**Lastly how to do the really cool stuff ** Design patterns, when to use interfaces when to use abstract classes and whats best to use static functions
Conceptual understanding/ Guiding Principles Creativity