This is the 2 page CV template that I use for my own CV.
- Install Docker for your OS.
- Pull the latest Docker image from Docker Hub, with
docker pull jpdias92/cv-template-latex
- Alternatively, build the image from the Dockerfile with
(cd docker;docker build -t jpdias92/cv-template-latex .)
- Alternatively, build the image from the Dockerfile with
- Compile the LaTeX source, inside a container, using lualatex (recommended):
./docker/ latexmk -pdflatex=lualatex -cd -f -interaction=batchmode -pdf template.tex
- Alternatively, compile with xelatex:
./docker/ latexmk -pdflatex=xelatex -cd -f -interaction=batchmode -pdf template.tex
- Alternatively, compile with xelatex:
Install MiKTeX, a TeX distribution for Windows that includes a large number of major packages.
Install an editor to edit and compile LaTeX documents. I recommend TeXstudio or Texmaker.
Once both the distribution and editor are installed, clone this repository using git clone
and open the template.tex file in your editor. You're good to go!
João Dias - jpdias92
blang/latex-docker - Docker-based latex compilation
I've created this CV template based on many elements taken from several other templates, including:
- Carmine Spagnuolo's Twenty Seconds Curriculum Vitae
- Carmine Benedetto's Smart Fancy LaTeX CV
- Adrien Friggeri's Fancy CV
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details