Code for the EMPR Group Project
A useful list of screen IDs:
0: Main Screen - 'homepage'
1: Parallel or Serial Mode
2: Select Filter
3: Add Mixer
70: VUU
70: Config Screen
70: Reset
100: No Screen for this Button
Break everything down into 'modules':
- Two Parallel Filters
- Mixer (can select original signal input)
- Serial Filter
Initial Screen:
- CONFIG Button - shows the current setup of the filters etc.
- ADD Button - allows them to add a new module
- AVG SIGNAL INPUT LEVEL - in real time
Possible input methods for values of filter variables:
- potentiometer
- keypad => shown in segment display
- keypad => shown directly on keypad - probably too much updating of the screen to do
Screens to show:
- Main Screen
- A
To ADD a filter(s);
User Presses ADD
Parallel or Serial?
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__|__ |
| | Filter
Filter A Filter B + Params
+ Params + Params |
| | |
|_____| |
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Mix + Params Mix w/ Source?
| + Params
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