This script processes data extracted from an ERP and organises them in different dataframes according to their status. In addition, it generates a stylised Excel file with several sheets representing different views of the status of the documents.
Make sure to install the following libraries before running the script:
pip install pandas xlsxwriter openpyxl tqdm aspose-cells
The script uses custom tools and mappings that must be included in the tools folder. These tools are:
- Data Import and Data Cleansing
- Loads an Excel file with information from the ERP.
- Performs cleaning and formatting, such as filling null values and converting dates.
- Processing by Status
- Divides data into different groups (Sent, Not Sent, Commented, etc.).
- Calculates metrics such as return days, contract weeks, and additional notes.
- Styling and Exporting
- Apply custom styles to dataframes.
- Export data to an Excel file with separate sheets.
El archivo final incluye las siguientes hojas:
- ALL DOC.: All documents styled according to their status.
- ENVIADOS: Documents in "Sent" status.
- SIN ENVIAR: Documents in "Unsent" status.
- COMENTADOS: Documents with comments ("Minor Com.", "Major Com.", etc.).
- STATUS: General tracking chart.
The script imports the necessary libraries and configures the path to the data file:
import os
import time
import pandas as pd
import xlsxwriter
from tools.mapping_mr import *
from tools.apply_style_mr import *
- Filling of null values.
- Conversion of dates to datetime.
- Calculation of additional columns such as Return Days and Contract Date.
The data are divided into the following groups:
- Annotated: Statuses such as "Minor Com.", "Major Com." or "Rejected".
- Sent: Documents marked as "Sent".
- Unsent: Documents not sent.
- Approved: Documentation finalised.
A stylised Excel file is created where each sheet represents a set of processed data.
with pd.ExcelWriter('monitoring_report_' + str(today_date_str) + '.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
style_sheet6.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='ALL DOC.', index=False)
style_sheet_2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='ENVIADOS', index=False)
style_sheet_3.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='SIN ENVIAR', index=False)
- Place the data file (data_erp.xlsx) in the specified path.
- Run the script with Python:
- Find the generated file in the data folder.
- Styling: Cell styles are applied according to the state of the document, using defined colours.
- Customisation: You can adjust the columns that are processed and the colours to suit your needs.
The resulting Excel file includes all the metrics and styles necessary for detailed document tracking.