A "fork" of vim-slime to see how easy/hard it would be to keep target/language plugins outside of this codebase.
This fork uses plugins to send data to its targets.
The complete documentation is available with :help vim-slime
The new vim-slime defines most of the command and mappings that legacy
vim-slime defines, except for <Plug>SlimeSendCell
, so your current mappings
and configuration should still work. For cells feature, please see
You will need a plugin for your specific target. Please see available target plugins. Please refer to the target plugin documentation and Registering the plugin below for configuration.
Here are the available target plugins. If you write a new plugin for your favourite target, please open a pull request.
- Wezterm : Klafyvel/vim-slime-ext-wezterm
- NeoVim terminal: Klafyvel/Klafyvel/vim-slime-ext-neovim
Vim-slime needs a way to configure, and a way to send text. This is done through vim functions that you or your plugin must declare.
In this example, we are going to write a plugin that sends the text it receives to a file foo.txt
. We need to define a function for plugin configuration, and another for handling the data.
The configuration function takes the current configuration in parameter and must return the updated configuration. For our example, one could write the following :
function! SlimeFooPluginConfig(config)
if !exists("a:config['foo']")
let a:config["foo"] = {"file": "foo.txt"}
let a:config["foo"]["file"] = input("Target file: ", a:config["foo"]["file"])
return a:config
In case your plugin does not need configuration, you can use the slime#noop
convenience function at the registration step.
This is the function that will actually do the work. Its paramters are the configuration and the text to send.
function! SlimeFooPluginSend(config, text)
let l:file = a:config["foo"]["file"]
return system("cat >> " . shellescape(file), a:text)
Vim-slime looks for the configuration function and the target function in two variables : slime_target_send
and slime_target_config
. Note that these variables can be defined globally or on a per-buffer lever. The variable at buffer level takes precedence. In your configuration file, you can simply add :
let g:slime_target_send="SlimeFooPluginSend"
let g:slime_target_config="SlimeFooPluginConfig"
Remember that you can use slime#noop
here if your plugin does not need any configuration.