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Widget Library for Thingsboard
Simple versioning Python script for PlatformIO
Simple WiFi sniffer for boards based on the Espressif Systems ESP32 module
Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type.
✔️The smallest header-only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms
Dimmer for MegaD-2561 based on PIC10F322
IoT program for Arduino Uno / STM32 Blue Pill (libopencm3) that reads BME280 temperature + humidity + altitude sensors, via I2C or SPI with DMA and multitasking. Sends sensor data to Sigfox via Wis…
Trampoline is a static RTOS for small embedded systems. Its API is aligned with OSEK/VDX OS and AUTOSAR OS 4.2 standards.
A Preemptive Hard Real Time kernel for embedded devices.
The "Tick" library provides functions for time management, non-blocking delays and event scheduling on various microcontrollers
My own set of libraries for PIC32 Microcontroller Family
This library allows an Arduino board to control Graphic Liquid Crystal Displays (GLCDs) based on the ST7920 chipset
Diseno de Modulo de lazos de corriente para monitoreo de sensores tipo ON-OFF a largas distancias.
System able to control a relee to turn on or off exterior lights depending on the lighting.
Temperature module compatible with arduino and digilent cerebot. Useful for calibrating thermoresistors. Able to use three temperature sensors at the same time (LM35, AD22103, Thermoresistor).