A tool to perform several imaging tasks.
- Read, Write all formats supported by ITK
- Read, Write The HSV-value channel of color image formats supported by OpenCV
- Control filters for 3D images via a graphical user interface
- Modules:
- Image View, Slice Control
- Statistics
- Line Profile Plot
- Histogram based on Kernel Density Estimation
- Binary Image Operations (Add, Subtract, Divide, Multiply)
- Unary Image Operations (Invert, Binarize, DCT, iDCT, log, exp)
- (Hard) Thresholding
- Morphological Filter (Binary Dilate)
- 3x3x3 Convolution
- Rescale Intensities
- Shrink
- Extract
- Resize (Nearest Neighbour, Linear, Sinc, BSpline - Interpolation)
- Non-Local Gradient
- Region Growing Segmentation
- Bilateral Filter
- TGV Denoising
- Unsharp Masking
- Multiscale Retinex
- DCT Poisson Solver
- TGV-DCT Image Shading Correction
In this screenshot you can see the ambient_image_processor application. The TGV-DCT image shading correction module takes the input image on the left side. In this case the input is an artificial piecewise constant image with a simulated additive bias. In the line profile plot on the right side the estimated bias corrected image contains perfect straight lines.
- Qt 5.7.0 (Qt5Core, Qt5Widgets, Qt5Charts), installed from source, qt.io
- Cuda 8.0, package cuda-8-0
- ITK 4.8.1, installed from source, itk.org
- OpenCV 3.1.0, installed from source, opencv.org
- SQLite 3, package libsqlite3-dev
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The generated binaries are located in the build/output directory.
calling the binaries with invalid parameters usually shows a help text containing a list of the possible parameters. Batch processing can be done by using the
- bash script bash/tgvk_deshade_downsampled_batch.sh
- ruby scripts in the folder ruby
- octave/matlab script octave/tgv2_deshade.m
the gui is executed by running
- easier disabling/enabling of modules
- module template, creator script
- add more imaging filters
- module ideas
- image zoom for view only
- load volume of multiple single files using the itk dicom reader, sustain meta info
- load/scan all files of an directory, use dicom reader, group by date, serie, listview, load-button, do not load all data - only the file-paths for each volume, sustain meta info
- feedback/folk of a brave windows user