Computer Science Postgraduate from IIITM-K, Trivandrum | Interested in Data Analysis & Machine Learning | Loves to do Data Visualization | Data Scientist Intern @ Ayruz Data Marketing | Data Analytics Intern @IIITM-K
- 💡 I’m interested in Big Data, ML & Cloud Computing.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning German 🤷♂️.
- 🛠 I’m currently working on my pet projects.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other developers.
- 🥅 2021 Goals: Get familiarised with Golang.
- 💬 Ask me about anything.🤝
- 🌐 Find me on my website (WIP).
- 💛 🚴 📖 ⚽ 🎧 🎶 ☕