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A Python application using pynotify for its use as a Pomodoro Clock.

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Tomython Version 0.1
Programmed by Jorge Pizarro Callejas <jorgicio [at] jorgicio [dot] net>

What is Tomython?
* Tomython (Tomato + Python) is a program made in Python for using as a Pomodoro clock for managing the time by productive reasons.
It's a Python way that uses pynotify, pygtk, gstreamer, and another basic modules for the OS and managing files and I/O.
Tomython was formerly named Pymodoro, but I found another project with that name, made in Python too and it uses wxPython.

* What's the purpose of this program?
As I've said before, Tomython is used as a Pomodoro clock that sounds 25 minutes after you set it on, double-clicking on the Pomodoro-shaped tray icon.
Commonly used for the Pomodoro Technique.

* Pomodoro? Tomato? What's the relation? What means "Pomodoro Technique" and what's its methodology?
Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 80's. Its name comes from the tomato-shaped kitchen timer clock that
Cirillo used when he was a university student. Cirillo is Italian and the word 'pomodoro' means 'tomato' in Italian language.
The steps for using this method are the followings:
    1 - Make a list of activities to do
    2 - Set the Pomodoro Timer to 25 minutes for each activity, beginning for the first of all (obviously).
        (Note: If you end the activity in the first 5 minutes, don't count it and begin with the next activity of the list. This condition is
        appliable to short jobs.)
    3 - Mark the activity as done (usually with a ticket or an 'x') and take a pause of 5 minutes.
    4 - Do the step 2 once again, but with the next activity of the list.
    5 - When you complete 4 pomodoros, take a longer pause (15-20 min.)
    6 - If you have more activities, start again from the step 2, considering the next steps and the next activities to do. In other case, you're done.

For further information about this, you can visit, or the Wikipedia articles:
(English) andécnica_Pomodoro (Spanish). Or Google about it. If you have enough money, you can buy the book "The Pomodoro Technique"
by Francesco Cirillo.

* Why Python? Why not another language or another method, technology or another stuff?
Python is easy for me. I programed another things in this language and I love it <3
Also, I had another problems for finding some alternatives. There are for Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iPhone and a jar for another mobile phones.
There's an applet for GNOME, but it depends of that desktop environment. And there's WorkRave, that's not exactly a Pomodoro software but it may work.
And there are cross-plataform alternatives made for Adobe AIR, such as FocusBooster, but it uses a lot of resources.
Because of all said before, I wanted for programming Tomython, using some scripts, the Python Documentation and another scripts that I found on the
Internet and modified for the needs of this project.
You may view this article in Genbeta: (Spanish)

* What do I need for this Software?
That's the important part. You (obviously) need Python 2. The most of the OS and Linux Distributions (and another Unix-based OS) uses the 2 version because of the support.
When this version went to be deprecated and unsupported, I'll develop Tomython using Python 3.
Also, you need the following dependencies:
    * gstreamer0.10-python
    * pynotify
    * pygtk
    * notify-osd or another nofity system.

* How do I get this program? I wanna test it!
    It's so simple. You need GIT ( and once installed, you need to do a clone of the repository using the following command:
        git clone git://
    You can use a GUI if you want it.

* I'm so n00b. Please, Jorgicio, teach me how to use this program.
    First, you need to do a list in a text file. The format content must be like this:
        Job 1
        Job 2
    Notice that every activity or job must be one per line.
    Then, you can use the program like this:
        python inputfile
    If you have python 2 and python 3 in the same OS, you must use "python2" instead of "python".

For example:
        Supposing I have a text file called "somestuff". I have the following activities in this way in that file:
        Watch Porn
        Download some games
        Clean the windows
        Feed the cat
        Eating some sushi

So, the usage is:
        python somestuff
        python2 somestuff

depending on the case.

Also, you can give permissions for executing the file

    chmod +x
    and then:

    ./ inputfile

Once done this, one Pomodoro will appear as a tray icon. Click on it and you'll start the clock.
25 minutes after, the clock will sound.
If you have another activities, click on the Pomodoro again. Obvioustly, respecting the steps of the Pomodoro Technique, mentioned before.
Note: For every notification, a Pomodoro will appear. It may be fixed in a future time. In this case, click on the first Pomodoro.

The Pomodoros will end when Tomython ends of reading the input file. All the activities will be marked as done (with a "[X]") in an output
file which name depends of the input file. For ex.: if the input file is named "activities", the output file will be named "activities_realizadas"
unless you modify the and you change the name if you want it.

    This program is open-source, licensed under the GPL. You can modify it if you find a bug or you want to add some features. Don't forget giving credits for the
    programmer and the sources of the codes that I used in this project. For further information, read the next item, DISCLAIMERS.

    * I only tested Tomython under Linux, but I don't guarantee that may work in another OS. For anything (if you find a bug, you wanna make a contribution or collaborating
    in the repository or an invitation for fooding or drinking some beers), contact me by mail (that's in the beginning of this README) or
    fill the Contact Form in the link (that's in the beginning of this file, too) or in, in the mail icon.
    * As I said before, it works using Python 2. I programmed Tomython under Arch Linux, that it has Python 2 and 3. Because of this, I specified in the beginning of the
    file "" that it uses Python 2. If you use another Linux Distribution or another OS and it only uses Python 2, you can change "python2" by "python".
    The result would be "#!/usr/bin/python" instead of "#!/usr/bin/python2".
    * If you found my English has some errors or it's bad, I'm so sorry.


A Python application using pynotify for its use as a Pomodoro Clock.






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