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optimize: improved linprog and milp annotations (#427)
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jorenham authored Jan 23, 2025
2 parents 462a15d + 9e60370 commit 25c6e67
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Showing 5 changed files with 340 additions and 124 deletions.
70 changes: 36 additions & 34 deletions scipy-stubs/_lib/_util.pyi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
import multiprocessing.pool as mpp
import types
from import Callable, Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import Concatenate, Final, Generic, NamedTuple, TypeAlias, overload
from typing_extensions import TypeVar, override
from import Callable, Iterable, Sequence
from typing import Any, Concatenate, Final, Generic, Literal, NamedTuple, TypeAlias, overload
from typing_extensions import Never, TypeVar, override

import numpy as np
import optype as op
import optype.numpy as onp
import optype.numpy.compat as npc
from numpy.random import Generator as Generator # implicit re-export
from optype.numpy.compat import DTypePromotionError as DTypePromotionError # implicit re-export
from scipy._typing import RNG, EnterSelfMixin

_AnyRNG = TypeVar("_AnyRNG", np.random.RandomState, np.random.Generator)
_AnyRNGT = TypeVar("_AnyRNGT", np.random.RandomState, np.random.Generator)

_T = TypeVar("_T", default=object)
_T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True, default=object)
_T_contra = TypeVar("_T_contra", contravariant=True, default=object)
_VT = TypeVar("_VT")
_RT = TypeVar("_RT")

_T = TypeVar("_T", default=Any)
_T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", default=Any, covariant=True)
_T_contra = TypeVar("_T_contra", default=Never, contravariant=True)

_AxisT = TypeVar("_AxisT", bound=npc.integer)


np_long: Final[type[np.int32 | np.int64]] = ...
np_ulong: Final[type[np.uint32 | np.uint64]] = ...
copy_if_needed: Final[bool | None] = ...
np_long: Final[type[np.int32 | np.int64]] = ... # `np.long` on `numpy>=2`, else `np.int_`
np_ulong: Final[type[np.uint32 | np.uint64]] = ... # `np.ulong` on `numpy>=2`, else `np.uint`
copy_if_needed: Final[Literal[False] | None] = ... # `None` on `numpy>=2`, otherwise `False`

# NOTE: These aliases are implictly exported at runtime
IntNumber: TypeAlias = int | npc.integer
DecimalNumber: TypeAlias = float | npc.floating | npc.integer

_RNG: TypeAlias = np.random.Generator | np.random.RandomState
SeedType: TypeAlias = IntNumber | _RNG | None
# NOTE: This is actually a exported at runtime :(
GeneratorType = TypeVar("GeneratorType", bound=_RNG) # noqa: PYI001
GeneratorType = TypeVar("GeneratorType", bound=_RNG) # noqa: PYI001 # oof


class ComplexWarning(RuntimeWarning): ...
class VisibleDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): ...
class DTypePromotionError(TypeError): ...

class AxisError(ValueError, IndexError):
_msg: Final[str | None]
axis: Final[int | None]
ndim: Final[int | None]

ndim: Final[onp.NDim | None]
def __init__(self, /, axis: str, ndim: None = None, msg_prefix: None = None) -> None: ...
def __init__(self, /, axis: int, ndim: int, msg_prefix: str | None = None) -> None: ...
def __init__(self, /, axis: int, ndim: onp.NDim, msg_prefix: str | None = None) -> None: ...

class FullArgSpec(NamedTuple):
args: Sequence[str]
args: list[str]
varargs: str | None
varkw: str | None
defaults: tuple[object, ...] | None
kwonlyargs: Sequence[str]
kwonlydefaults: Mapping[str, object] | None
annotations: Mapping[str, type | object | str]
defaults: tuple[Any, ...] | None
kwonlyargs: list[str]
kwonlydefaults: dict[str, Any] | None
annotations: dict[str, Any]

class _FunctionWrapper(Generic[_T_contra, _T_co]):
f: Callable[Concatenate[_T_contra, ...], _T_co]
args: tuple[object, ...]

args: tuple[Any, ...]
def __init__(self, /, f: Callable[[_T_contra], _T_co], args: tuple[()]) -> None: ...
Expand All @@ -69,8 +71,8 @@ class _FunctionWrapper(Generic[_T_contra, _T_co]):
class MapWrapper(EnterSelfMixin):
pool: int | mpp.Pool | None

def __init__(self, /, pool: Callable[[Callable[[_VT], _RT], Iterable[_VT]], Sequence[_RT]] | int = 1) -> None: ...
def __call__(self, /, func: Callable[[_VT], _RT], iterable: Iterable[_VT]) -> Sequence[_RT]: ...
def __init__(self, /, pool: Callable[[Callable[[_VT], _RT], Iterable[_VT]], Iterable[_RT]] | int = 1) -> None: ...
def __call__(self, /, func: Callable[[_VT], _RT], iterable: Iterable[_VT]) -> Iterable[_RT]: ...
def terminate(self, /) -> None: ...
def join(self, /) -> None: ...
def close(self, /) -> None: ...
Expand All @@ -81,23 +83,23 @@ class _RichResult(dict[str, _T]):
def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: _T, /) -> None: ...

def float_factorial(n: int) -> float: ...
def float_factorial(n: op.CanIndex) -> float: ... # will be `np.inf` if `n >= 171`

def getfullargspec_no_self(func: Callable[..., object]) -> FullArgSpec: ...

def check_random_state(seed: _AnyRNG) -> _AnyRNG: ...
def check_random_state(seed: _AnyRNGT) -> _AnyRNGT: ...
def check_random_state(seed: int | npc.integer | types.ModuleType | None) -> np.random.RandomState: ...
def check_random_state(seed: onp.ToJustInt | types.ModuleType | None) -> np.random.RandomState: ...

def rng_integers(
gen: RNG | None,
low: onp.ToInt | onp.ToIntND,
high: onp.ToInt | onp.ToIntND | None = None,
low: onp.ToInt,
high: onp.ToInt | None = None,
size: tuple[()] | None = None,
dtype: onp.AnyIntegerDType = "int64",
endpoint: op.CanBool = False,
Expand All @@ -114,8 +116,8 @@ def rng_integers(

def normalize_axis_index(axis: int, ndim: int) -> int: ...
def normalize_axis_index(axis: int, ndim: onp.NDim) -> onp.NDim: ...
def normalize_axis_index(axis: int, ndim: _AxisT) -> _AxisT: ...
def normalize_axis_index(axis: int | _AxisT, ndim: _AxisT) -> _AxisT: ...
def normalize_axis_index(axis: _AxisT, ndim: int | _AxisT) -> _AxisT: ...
def normalize_axis_index(axis: _AxisT, ndim: onp.NDim | _AxisT) -> _AxisT: ...
210 changes: 186 additions & 24 deletions scipy-stubs/optimize/_linprog.pyi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,41 +1,203 @@
from import Callable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import Final, Literal, type_check_only
from import Callable, Sequence
from typing import Final, Literal, TypeAlias, TypedDict, overload, type_check_only
from typing_extensions import LiteralString, deprecated

import numpy as np
import optype.numpy as onp
from ._optimize import OptimizeResult
from ._typing import Bound, MethodLinprog
import optype.numpy.compat as npc
from ._optimize import OptimizeResult as _OptimizeResult
from ._typing import Bound, MethodLinprog, MethodLinprogLegacy

__all__ = ["linprog", "linprog_terse_callback", "linprog_verbose_callback"]


_Ignored: TypeAlias = object
_Max3: TypeAlias = Literal[0, 1, 2, 3]
_Max4: TypeAlias = Literal[_Max3, 4]

_Int: TypeAlias = int | np.int32 | np.int64
_Float: TypeAlias = float | np.float64
_Float1D: TypeAlias = onp.Array1D[np.float64]

class _OptionsCommon(TypedDict, total=False):
maxiter: _Int # default: method-specific
disp: onp.ToBool # default: False
presolve: onp.ToBool # default: True

# highs-ds
class _OptimizeResult(OptimizeResult):
x: onp.ArrayND[np.float64]
fun: float
slack: onp.ArrayND[np.float64]
con: onp.ArrayND[np.float64]
success: bool
status: Literal[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
nit: int
message: str
class _OptionsHighsDS(_OptionsCommon, TypedDict, total=False):
time_limit: _Float # default: np.finfo(float).max
dual_feasibility_tolerance: _Float # default: 1e-7
primal_feasibility_tolerance: _Float # default: 1e-7
simplex_dual_edge_weight_strategy: Literal["dantzig", "devex", "steepest", "steepest-devex"] | None # default: None

# highs-ips
class _OptionsHighsIPM(_OptionsHighsDS, TypedDict, total=False):
ipm_optimality_tolerance: _Float # default: 1e-8

# highs
class _OptionsHighs(_OptionsHighsIPM, TypedDict, total=False):
min_rel_gap: _Float | None # default: None

class _OptionsCommonLegacy(_OptionsCommon, TypedDict, total=False):
tol: _Float
autoscale: onp.ToBool # default: False
rr: onp.ToBool # default: True
rr_method: Literal["SVD", "pivot", "ID", "None"] | None # default: None

# interior-point (legacy, see
class _OptionsInteriorPoint(_OptionsCommonLegacy, TypedDict, total=False):
alpha0: _Float # default: 0.99995
beta: _Float # default: 0.1
sparse: onp.ToBool # default: False
lstq: onp.ToBool # default: False
sym_pos: onp.ToBool # default: True
cholsky: onp.ToBool # default: True
pc: onp.ToBool # default: True
ip: onp.ToBool # default: False
perm_spec: Literal["NATURAL", "MMD_ATA", "MMD_AT_PLUS_A", "COLAMD"] | None # default: "MMD_AT_PLUS_A"

# revised simplex (legacy, see
class _OptionsRevisedSimplex(_OptionsCommonLegacy, TypedDict, total=False):
maxupdate: _Int # default: 10
mast: onp.ToBool # default: False
pivot: Literal["mrc", "bland"]

# simplex (legacy, see
class _OptionsSimplex(_OptionsCommonLegacy, TypedDict, total=False):
bland: onp.ToBool # default: False


__docformat__: Final = "restructuredtext en" # undocumented
LINPROG_METHODS: Final[Sequence[MethodLinprog | MethodLinprogLegacy]] = ... # undocumented

__docformat__: Final[str] = ...
LINPROG_METHODS: Final[Sequence[MethodLinprog]] = ...
class OptimizeResult(_OptimizeResult):
x: _Float1D # minimizing decision variables w.r.t. the constraints
fun: _Float # optimal objective function value
slack: _Float1D # slack values; nominally positive
con: _Float1D # residuals of equality constraints; nominally zero
status: _Max4
message: LiteralString
nit: int # >=0
success: bool # `success = status == 0`

def linprog_verbose_callback(res: _OptimizeResult) -> None: ...
def linprog_terse_callback(res: _OptimizeResult) -> None: ...

@overload # highs (default)
def linprog(
c: onp.ToFloat1D,
A_ub: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_ub: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
A_eq: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_eq: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
bounds: Bound = (0, None),
method: Literal["highs"] = "highs",
callback: Callable[[_OptimizeResult], _Ignored] | None = None,
options: _OptionsHighs | None = None,
x0: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
integrality: _Max3 | Sequence[_Max3] | onp.CanArrayND[npc.integer] | None = None,
) -> _OptimizeResult: ...
@overload # highs-ds
def linprog(
c: onp.ToFloat1D,
A_ub: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_ub: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
A_eq: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_eq: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
bounds: Bound = (0, None),
method: Literal["highs-ds"],
callback: Callable[[_OptimizeResult], _Ignored] | None = None,
options: _OptionsHighsDS | None = None,
x0: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
integrality: _Max3 | Sequence[_Max3] | onp.CanArrayND[npc.integer] | None = None,
) -> _OptimizeResult: ...
@overload # highs-ipm
def linprog(
c: onp.ToFloat1D,
A_ub: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_ub: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
A_eq: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_eq: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
bounds: Bound = (0, None),
method: Literal["highs-ipm"],
callback: Callable[[_OptimizeResult], _Ignored] | None = None,
options: _OptionsHighsIPM | None = None,
x0: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
integrality: _Max3 | Sequence[_Max3] | onp.CanArrayND[npc.integer] | None = None,
) -> _OptimizeResult: ...
@overload # interior-point (legacy, see
@deprecated("`method='interior-point'` is deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.16.0. Please use one of the HIGHS solvers.")
def linprog(
c: onp.ToFloat1D,
A_ub: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_ub: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
A_eq: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_eq: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
bounds: Bound = (0, None),
method: Literal["interior-point"],
callback: Callable[[_OptimizeResult], _Ignored] | None = None,
options: _OptionsInteriorPoint | None = None,
x0: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
integrality: _Max3 | Sequence[_Max3] | onp.CanArrayND[npc.integer] | None = None,
) -> _OptimizeResult: ...
@overload # revised simplex (legacy, see
@deprecated("`method='revised simplex'` is deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.16.0. Please use one of the HIGHS solvers.")
def linprog(
c: onp.ToFloat1D,
A_ub: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_ub: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
A_eq: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_eq: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
bounds: Bound = (0, None),
method: Literal["revised simplex"],
callback: Callable[[_OptimizeResult], _Ignored] | None = None,
options: _OptionsRevisedSimplex | None = None,
x0: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
integrality: _Max3 | Sequence[_Max3] | onp.CanArrayND[npc.integer] | None = None,
) -> _OptimizeResult: ...
@overload # simplex (legacy, see
@deprecated("`method='simplex'` is deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.16.0. Please use one of the HIGHS solvers.")
def linprog(
c: onp.ToFloat1D,
A_ub: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_ub: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
A_eq: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_eq: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
bounds: Bound = (0, None),
method: Literal["simplex"],
callback: Callable[[_OptimizeResult], _Ignored] | None = None,
options: _OptionsSimplex | None = None,
x0: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
integrality: _Max3 | Sequence[_Max3] | onp.CanArrayND[npc.integer] | None = None,
) -> _OptimizeResult: ...
@overload # any "highs"
def linprog(
c: onp.ToScalar | onp.ToArrayND,
A_ub: onp.ToScalar | onp.ToArrayND | None = None,
b_ub: onp.ToScalar | onp.ToArrayND | None = None,
A_eq: onp.ToScalar | onp.ToArrayND | None = None,
b_eq: onp.ToScalar | onp.ToArrayND | None = None,
c: onp.ToFloat1D,
A_ub: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_ub: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
A_eq: onp.ToFloat2D | None = None,
b_eq: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
bounds: Bound = (0, None),
method: MethodLinprog = "highs",
callback: Callable[[_OptimizeResult], None] | None = None,
options: Mapping[str, object] | None = None,
x0: onp.ToScalar | onp.ToArrayND | None = None,
integrality: onp.ToScalar | onp.ToArrayND | None = None,
callback: Callable[[_OptimizeResult], _Ignored] | None = None,
options: _OptionsHighs | None = None,
x0: onp.ToFloat1D | None = None,
integrality: _Max3 | Sequence[_Max3] | onp.CanArrayND[npc.integer] | None = None,
) -> _OptimizeResult: ...

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