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RFainFallViz.m: Visualization of Statewise Rainfall

This MATLAB script visualizes rainfall data over India, overlaying state boundaries to provide geographical context. It reads rainfall data from a netCDF file and state boundary information from a shapefile, then generates an animated GIF showing the rainfall distribution over time.

Key Functionality

  1. Data Loading:

    • Reads rainfall data (longitude, latitude, time, rainfall values) from a netCDF file (
    • Loads coastline data from coastlines.mat.
    • Loads state boundary data from a shapefile (india27-11.shp).
  2. Time Handling:

    • Converts time data from the netCDF file into MATLAB datetime objects, creating a sequence of daily dates.
  3. Visualization Loop:

    • Iterates through a subset of the time steps (limited to 100 for efficient GIF creation).
    • For each time step:
      • Plots the coastline.
      • Generates a pcolor plot of the rainfall data, using shading interp for smooth color transitions.
      • Overlays state boundaries from the shapefile as white lines.
      • Adds a colorbar and sets the colormap to jet.
      • Adds a title indicating the date of the rainfall data.
      • Captures the current figure as an image frame.
  4. GIF Animation Creation:

    • Combines the captured image frames into an animated GIF file (RainFall_1981-2014.gif).
    • Sets the GIF to loop infinitely and adjusts the frame delay.
    • Uses imwrite to write the image data to the gif file.


The script aims to provide a visual representation of rainfall patterns across Indian states over time. This visualization can be useful for:

  • Analyzing rainfall distribution.
  • Identifying regional rainfall variations.
  • Understanding temporal changes in rainfall.


  • NetCDF Toolbox (for reading netCDF files)
  • Mapping Toolbox (for reading shapefiles and plotting coastlines)
  • coastlines.mat file containing coastline data.
  • netCDF file containing rainfall data.
  • india27-11.shp shapefile containing the state boundaries.

Usage Notes

  • Ensure that the netCDF file and shapefile are in the same directory as the MATLAB script or provide the correct file paths.
  • The script limits the animation to the first 100 time steps for efficiency in GIF creation. If you want to create a longer animation, modify the loop limits.
  • The output GIF file will be saved in the current working directory.


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