Author: Jonathan Simon Prates
Prof. Me. Átila Bohlke Vasconcelos
Original name: Aplicação do reconhecimento de gestos utilizando kinect como controle de TV.
Faculdade de Sistemas de Informação – Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis
This work aims to study the users' adaptation to the use of gestures as a substitute for the television's remote control. Depth sensors devices have become cheaper and a wide variety of software libraries available are available compared with the last decade. In this work, we set up a computer simulated environment in order to capture users' gestures. We were able to recognize the user behavior and send to the television the most appropriate command according to the command.
Based on the results, we concluded that the mode of interaction gestures should not be the only method of interaction available due environment restrictions, such as light, space, awkward objects on the scene and also, physical and/or cognitive limitations.
How to cite: PRATES, J. S. Aplicação do reconhecimento de gestos utilizando kinect como controle de TV. Faculdade de Sistemas de Informação – Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis. Porto Alegre, 2012.
Devices: Usbuirt, Capture usb device, Kinect
Language: Processing 1.5
Libraries: uirtjbin, SimpleOpenNI, JMyron0025, fullscreen