- changed LGPL license to MIT
- updated JaCoCo library to 0.7.6 (see its changelog).
- built with NetBeans 8.1FCS and Oracle JDK8.
- changed WTFPL license to LGPL (because some people are not funny...).
- GitHub #28 allow custom JaCoCo agent path (JaCoCo agent failed with non-ASCII path)
- updated JaCoCo library to 0.7.5 (see its changelog).
- minor code cleanup
- partial fix for GitHub #26 (large project support)
- updated JaCoCo library to 0.7.4 (see its changelog).
- built with NetBeans 8.0.2FCS and Oracle JDK7.
- GitHub #10 add NetBeans Module projects support, provided by Graeme Ingleby.
- GitHub #24 add Java Web/EE/EJB/EAR projects support.
- updated JaCoCo library to 0.7.2 (see its changelog).
- preparation for Java Web/EE/EJB/EAR projects support (will be activated once NetBeans bug 246072 is fixed).
- built with NetBeans 8.0.1FCS and Oracle JDK7.
- updated JaCoCo library to 0.7.1 (see its changelog).
- updated Apache Commons Lang3 library to 3.3.2.
- updated FasterXML Jackson Annotations library to 2.2.3.
- updated FasterXML Jackson Core library to 2.2.3.
- updated FasterXML Jackson Databind library to 2.2.3.
- built with NetBeans 8.0FCS-patch1 and Oracle JDK7.
- GitHub #18 removed error while tests fail.
- updated JaCoCo library to 0.7.0 to support Java8.
- built with NetBeans 8.0FCS and Oracle JDK7.
- updated JaCoCo library to 0.6.5.
- built with NetBeans 8.0RC1 and Oracle JDK7.
- GitHub #17 added an action at project's level to remove coverage data from editor (Reset coverage data).
- added the default package to the list of covered packages.
- updated JaCoCo library to 0.6.4.
- built with NetBeans 7.4 and Oracle JDK7.
- GitHub #16 will now look for a "nbbuild.xml" file when the "build.xml" file is missing.
- built with NetBeans 7.3.1 and Oracle JDK7.
- changed license to WTFPL (Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License, see http://www.wtfpl.net).
- fixed: another unclosed input stream on project's properties.
- Internal: some code reworked.
- added a About dialog.
- built with NetBeans 7.3.1 and Oracle JDK6 (a Git branch has been created for NetBeans 7.3.1 and JDK6 support).
- fixed: unclosed input stream on project's properties.
- GitHub #12 added a package filter at project level.
- built with NetBeans 7.3.1 and Oracle JDK7.
- GitHub #11 added configuration at project level.
- GitHub #14 fixed MissingResourceException when assertions (-ea switch) are enabled.
- disabled NetBeans Module projects support (will be fixed later).
- coloration of multi-line instructions is now enabled in default configuration.
- removed actions from NetBeans toolbar.
- removed actions icons.
- internal: library modules are now hidden in Plugins Manager.
- GitHub #9 fixed JavaAgent didn't generate report if its path contained comma.
- minor UI fixes in options panel (relevant on systems with large fonts, like Ubuntu).
- added coloration of multi-line instructions (can be enabled in options panel).
- fixed: hide action menu items when disabled.
- added an option to keep JaCoCo binary and XML report files, in their original form or compressed with Zip format.
- updated JaCoCo library to 0.6.3.
- removed Lombok 0.11.8 lib since it is not compatible with JDK8 compiler.
- removed registration of JaCoCo Ant Library into NetBeans.
- disabled JaCoCoverage action items when multiple projects are selected.
- built with NetBeans 7.3.1 and Oracle JDK6.
- improved code highlighting with glyphs in left margin and additional information in lines tooltips.
- stabilization and optimization: JaCoCoverage task now runs with a RequestProcessor limited to 3 maximum threads.
- fixed a bug: jacoco.exec file was generated into the project's working directory, not the project's root.
- added support of detailed JaCoCo HTML reports.
- added a copy of JaCoCo XML report file in project's directory (.jacocoverage/jacoco.latest.xml file).
- added a warning message when Ant Task or JaCoCo Agent fails.
- added a progress bar while JaCoCoverage is loading JaCoCo report and applying code highlighting.
- added color themes for code highlighting.
- updated coverage colors (they are now based on JaCoCo HTML reports).
- removed duplicated JAR files in JaCoCo Library module.
- configuration panel: removed unused options.
- configuration panel: added social icons and a link to the online help.
- added French translation in plugin's description (available for "fr" locales).
- some minor UI improvements.
- GitHub #2 #3 integrated Jan Lahoda's patch (preventing NPE when right-clicking on a project that does not have nbproject/project.properties).
- classes displayed in minimal coverage reports are now sorted.
- installing plugins doesn't require to restart NetBeans.
- added support of NetBeans Modules projects.
- added a "Run Project with JaCoCoverage" action menu and removed the configuration of the Ant task.
- added configuration of code highlighting and reporting (enable/disable).
- added icons on action menus.
- minor enhancement of the minimal coverage report.
- fixed errors when the JaCoCo JavaAgent doesn't generate JaCoCo report file (jacoco.exec).
- first stable version. Supports Java7 code coverage, code highlighting and minimal coverage report.
- built with NetBeans 7.3 and Oracle JDK6.