A simple application in Swift, that consumes an external API (based on my personal Apiary) and lists all workers.
This project helped me on building the share module, in a simple but effective way. And also on requesting items from a external API using Alamofire.
- RxSwift Using RxSwift, binding the list of workers is a lot much easier and keeps the data up-to-date.
- Alamofire Alamofire is a great help to build requests in Swift, and it helps in a way that feels native to the platform.
- AlamofireImage This helps a lot in downloading an image, especially if the image is bigger than you expected. You can even set a placeholder for the view while the download is progressing.
- Share I used this library as a founding to build my own, it's versality and usefulness helped me on building the worker that is now.
April, 2019 - Brazil