This project contains changes to the Marlin firmware version to adapt it to a functional 3D printer prototype that uses the Arduino Mega 2560 platform and the Ramps board version 1.4.
This work presents the construction of a low-cost 3D printer. The main objective is to implement the assembly of the solution using low-cost parts, with open source hardware and software. The initial idea was to make a laser engraver based on a prototype of a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) router, but for safety reasons due to laser beam emission, it was decided to build a 3D printer. The prototype consists of a physical structure of recycled wood, low-cost mechanical structure and hardware based on the Arduino Mega 2560 and Kit Ramps 1.4 boards. The methodology consisted of bibliographic reference and was divided into mechanical, electronic and logical parts, until the prototype was functional. Much of the time of the project was used for testing and fine-tuning the prototype. All stages of the process were extensively documented in a sequential manner and detailed by means of technical drawings in three dimensions. In the results section, various types and techniques of 3D printing are exposed with their results commented and evidenced. This prototype has a differential of the Z axis having only one stepper motor to perform the movement that promotes reduction in cost, weight and complexity. Finally, the results obtained through the tests carried out demonstrate that the work developed achieved its objectives.
Keywords: 3D Printing, CNC, Arduino, Ramps, Low Cost.
3D Printer protype (January 2024)
Functional 3D Printer (July 2024)
3D Printer - Eçectrical Schmatic
English - finalproject_presentation_sys_2024_1_JonasFernandoSchuh-FV
Portuguese - apresentacao_tcc_sis_2024_JonasFernandoSchuh-VF
English - finalproject_sys_2024_1_JonasFernandoSchuh-FV
Portuguese - tcc_sis_2024_1_JonasFernandoSchuh-VF
Building a low-cost 3D printer
Homemade 3D printer created with recycled parts
Parts printed with a homemade 3D printer
Homemade CNC prototype
Prototype with unipolar motors
First plotter drawing reading gcode
CNC plotter drawing star
Bipolar motor driver tests
Bipolar stepper motor CNC prototype tests
First circle cnc plotter with grbl
Prototype Plotter CNC
Line Follower Robot