This Plugin creates portals where the player can port/beam from one place to another.
Version updated for Athena 5.1. Not yet tested fully.
If you update from Version 1.0 to 1.1 you must change the y-axis for all already existing portals. new y-axis = old-y - 1;
- Create Portal with two gates
- Choose markers and size
- Teleport fade effect
- Create Portals with multiple gates (e.g. for lifts)
- Player menu
- Select Entity which can use the gate (Person, Vehicle or All/Both)
- Select Exit Rotation
- Expermmental Gates
- Speed Gate (Exit Speed = Enter Speed)
- Speed Boost Gate (Exit Speed = 3 x Enter Speed)
- Dimension and IPL Support (Untested)
- Admin menu
- Key Support
- Portals without the need to press E
See issue tracker for more informations.
- Get plugin here
- Copy Folder gp-portal to your athena project under src/core/plugins/
In-Game as administrator
/addportal [name] - Adds a portal at current position
See video
Creation Menu
Admin Menu (Only visible if portal has more than 2 gates or admin has master key)
Player Menu (Only visible if portal has more than 2 gates)
If you have any feedback raise an issue or reach me in discord at
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