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Jonas Brømsø edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 6 revisions

The primary notes on development of this repository is included in the README. This page contains notes on tips and tricks for developing on the Spellcheck GitHub Action. I mostly write these for myself, since I forget the small things.

Building the Docker image for DockerHub

docker build -t jonasbn/cheatset:latest .

When building on Apple silicon (M1), this additional parameter --platform has to be specified and set to linux/amd64 for use with GitHub actions etc.

docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t jonasbn/cheatset:latest .

If not specifying the parameter the architecture will be: arm64

You can see the the architecture of your image like so:

docker image inspect jonasbn/cheatset:latest |grep -i architecture

REF: Blog post: "Create docker image on Apple Silicon M1 Mac" by Lakhan Samani.

Notes on Docker

Since cheatset relies on SQLite, it is not possible to use the slim variation of the base image out of the box

See: Cheatset GitHub repository, cheatset.gemspec and the Dockerfile in this repository.

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