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BTCL - Beth Text-based Constructive Language

What it is

BTCL is a simple, easy to use, text based and weakly typed functional language. Its principal purpose is constructing an object.

BTCL is backward compatible to BTML.

Constructive Language

I use the term constructive language to specify a language specialized for object construction. In its basic form BTCL is purely functional. Via specific extensions interactivity and procedural-like behavior can be provided.


  • Contiguous code represents one expression (built from expressions or literals). There are no statements.
  • An expression represents an object.
  • Functions are first class objects.

Cheat Sheet

The language supports C-style comments inside the code.

// String
"some text";

// Variable definition and representation of its value '7'.
x = 7;

// Expression (Evaluates to 14).
1 + 2 * 3 + x;

// Function definition.
f = func( a, b ) { a + b };

// Applying above function. (Evaluates to 7)
n = f( 3, 4 );

// bmath object representation via btml
y = <bcore_arr_s3_s> 1 2 3 </>;

// same result as above (using btcl array initialization)
z = <bcore_arr_s3_s></>( [1,2,3] );

// element initialization
<bcore_main_frame_s></>( .create_log_file = TRUE, .log_file_extension = "log" );

// prints object z to stdout (for messaging, inspection, debugging)
PRINT(z);   // compact formatting where possible
PRINTLN(z); // compact formatting where possible; ensures tht output ends in 'newline'
PRINTX(z);  // prints in btml format

// assertion (for testing/debugging)
ASSERT( [1,2,3] == [1,2,3] ); // if expression yields false, a parse error is generated

// condition expression (else-part is optional) (not exportable)
if( a >= b ) { a } else { b };

// conditional operator (exportable)
a >= b ? a : b;

// alternative conditional operator (exportable)
IFE( a >= b, a, b );

// List with elements 1, 2, 3

// concatenation of objects or lists to form a list
a : b; // if a or b is a list, the list is extended (not nested)

// Initialized list with 5 constants; result is [0,0,0,0,0]
5 :: 0;

// Initialized list with 5 elements via initializer-function.
// Index i runs from 0 to 4. The result is [0,2,4,6,8].
5 :: func(i){2*i};

// Merging lists
[1,2]::[4,5] == [[1,4],[2,5]];

// Mapped list through function; the function is applied to list elements
// forming a new list. The result is [2,4,10].
[1,2,5] :: func(a){2*a};

// evaluate the content in another file
// relative path is relative to current file location
eval_file( "../data/file.btcl" );

// converting a function into a functor (a functor can be used externally)
<x_btcl_functor_s/>( func( a, b ) { a + b } );

// functor_f3_s is limited to numeric operands but runs much faster than functor_s
<x_btcl_functor_f3_s/>( func( a, b ) { a + b } );

// list of 10 random numbers between -1.0, and 1.0
<x_btcl_random_s/>( .seed = 1234, .min = -1.0, .max = 1.0 ).list( 10 );

// If the space behind a semicolon contains no expression then that semicolon is ignored.


BTCL uses C/C++ style comments:

  • //: Comment until the end of line.

  • /* ... */ : Comment block.


Space, tab and newline characters are elementary whitespaces. A comment is also a whitespace(-section). Between identifiers, operator-symbols or literals whitespaces can be placed freely without affecting the code.

One Expression

BTCL has no distinct statements. Any contiguous code represents just one expression. This can be a composite (or tree) of expressions joined via functions, operators or conditional branches. Non-composite expressions are called Literals.

Continuation operator

Although the semicolon ';' is traditionally understood as separator for consecutive statements, in BTCL it is a binary operator joining two consecutive expressions. Hence the semicolon behaves as a binary operator. In BTCL this operator is called Continuation.

a ; b means:

Evaluate first a then b but represent only the result of b.

Superficially, this appears to render expression a meaningless. However, a can define a variable, which is visible in b. Thus a creates context for b. This helps simplifying complex expressions and can make code easier to read and maintain.

More generally: The semicolon operator divides consecutive expressions into context creation and context usage.


// 7.0/8.0 expressed via a sigmoid function
( x=7.0; x/(ABS(x)+1) )

Note: A trailing semicolon is allowed for the last expression in a file, block or frame. In that case no continuation is expected; the semicolon is simply ignored.

Chain of Expressions

Multiple consecutive expressions can be chained up, much like a list of statements in a procedural language would be chained. The advantage compared to a procedural language is that such a chain can be part of any sub-expression.


Each operator has a numeric priority. On chained or nested operations, higher priority operators are evaluated before lower priority operators. Repeated binary operators are usually evaluated in the LR-order (e.g. 4-1-1 == (4-1)-1 == 2, 8/2/2 == (8/2)/2 == 2). Certain binary operators are evaluated in RL-order (e.g.a<<b<<c == a<<(b<<c)). See also table column 'Order'.

Operators are grouped into priority-groups. Each group is associated with a letter A ... E. Operators in group A have highest and also identical priority. All other operators have each a unique priority. A higher group letter means lower priority. A lower position within the group means lower priority.

The following tables contain available operators:

  • Symbol: The symbol used in BTCL Syntax

  • Type Name: Identifier for the operator.

    • The type name is for BTCL internal bookkeeping, error reporting and special purpose BTCL extensions.
  • Exportable: When irreducible, the operator can be exported as a meta object (part of constructed object) where an external builder gives it a suitable meaning. (BTCL solution for polymorphism). Exportable operators are important for constructing a Functor.

  • Order: (Only binary operators) If the same operator reoccurs, it is evaluated in the specified order.

    • LR: left to right; example: a * b * c == (a * b) * c

    • RL: right to left; example: a << b << c == a << ( b << c )

Group A

Symbol Description Arity Type Name Exportable
. Stamp: Member access; Node: Branch access unary member no
( Function call or stamp modifier; closed by ')' unary frame no

Group B

Symbol Description Arity Type Name Exportable
+ Identity unary identity yes
- Arithmetic Negation unary neg yes
! Logic Negation unary not yes

Group C

Symbol Description Arity Type Name Exportable Order
^ Arithmetic: exponentiation; result type is f3_t binary pow yes LR
/ Arithmetic: division binary div yes LR
% Arithmetic: modulo division binary mod yes LR
** Function-Function: Chains two functions binary chain yes LR
*.: Function-List: Applies function to unfolded list elements binary mul_dot_colon no LR
*. Function-List: Applies function to unfolded list binary mul_dot no LR
*: Function-List: Applies function to list elements binary mul_colon no LR
* Arithmetic, List, Function: multiplication; Unary function application; Assigning r-expression as argument binary mul yes LR
- Arithmetic: subtraction binary sub yes LR
+ Arithmetic: addition; Concatenation of strings. binary add yes LR
== Logic: equal binary equal yes LR
!= Logic: unequal binary unequal yes LR
>= Logic: larger or equal binary larger_equal yes LR
> Logic: larger binary larger yes LR
<= Logic: smaller or equal binary smaller_equal yes LR
< Logic: smaller binary smaller yes LR
&& Logic: AND binary and yes LR
|| Logic: OR binary or yes LR
? Conditional operator: <cond> ? <case:true> : <case:false> ternary condition yes --
:: List: Spawning Operator binary spawn yes LR
: List: Concatenation of objects to form a list; Concatenation of lists binary cat yes LR
<< Assigning r-expression as function argument or network node. binary shift_left yes RL (!)
= Assignment binary assign no LR

Group D (Reserved)

Group E

Symbol Description Arity Type Name Exportable
; Continuation binary continuation no


Numbers are represented as integer s3_t or floating point f3_t.

Integer literals can be expressed as decimal or, when using prefix 0x as hexadecimal.

Float literals are specified via decimal point (even if the value is a whole number), or using exponential notation.


1023578     // int (s3_t) in decimal form
0x378FCD50  // int (s3_t) in hexadecimal form
123.0       // float (f3_t)
123E1       // float (f3_t)

Shortcuts for literals

For certain groups of small and large numbers, the literal expression can be simplified by appending a character representing a shortcut for a factor.

Using that shortcut with a number literal turns the type always into floating point. This holds true even if the resulting value could be represented by an integer.

Character Derived from Factor
d deci 1E-1
c centi 1E-2
m milli 1E-3
u micro 1E-6
n nano 1E-9
p pico 1E-12
f femto 1E-15
a atto 1E-18
z zepto 1E-21
y yocto 1E-24
r ronto 1E-27
q quecto 1E-30
D Deca 1E1
C Cento 1E2
K Kilo 1E3
M Mega 1E6
G Giga 1E9
T Tera 1E12
P Peta 1E15
E Exa 1E18
Z Zetta 1E21
Y Yotta 1E24
R Ronna 1E27
Q Quetta 1E30


5d == 0.5;
5c == 0.05;
5m == 0.005;
5.1u == 5.1E-6;
5D == 50;
5C == 500;
5K == 5000;
5.2M == 5.2E6;


Binary arithmetic operators return f3_t when one of the operands is f3_t, otherwise they return s3_t.


Sting literals are specified using the C-syntax:

"This is a string";
"\tThis is a string with tab and newline\n";

String Operator

Operator '+' concatenates string with string or string with number by first converting the number to a string

Operation Result
"ab"+"cd" "abcd"
"ab"+12 "ab12"
12+"ab" "12ab"
""+12 "12"


A label is a hashed string literal stored as tp_t and registered in the beth-name-map. A label is normally used for frequently used names. However, a label can represent any string of any length.

'another one';


Logic literals are the keywords true and false.

A logic value can be drived from a numeric or boolean expression. Numbers are evaluated false when they are zero and true otherwise.

Logic binary operators return bl_t as result.


A frame represents the lexical context of a code segment. Variables defined inside a frame are visible inside (including sub-frames) but not outside the frame. A variable definition inside a frame masks any variable of the same name outside that frame.

A sub frame is created by using a bracket (...) or a block {...}

Any btcl code is inside of the global frame.

Conditional Expression


if (<condition>) { <expression> }
if (<condition>) { <expression1> } else { <expression2> }

Depending on the condition, the associated block is either evaluated or skipped.


The signature represents the interface of a function. It is identified by the keyword func. A function is created by joining a signature with a body.


func( <args, comma separated> )


A bracket prioritizes an expression or indicates a function call. A bracket defines a dedicated subframe in which it is evaluated.


( <expression> )


A block is enclosed in braces {...}.

A block reserves the evaluation of an expression. It is used as part of a function or conditional expression. A block defines a dedicated subframe in which it is evaluated.

Note: A block is not suitable for immediate (framed) evaluation, as might be in other programming languages. Use the simple bracket ( ... ) for that purpose.


{ <expression> }


A function is defined by joining a signature with a block.


<signature> : <block>


<literal-signature> <literal-block>


f = func( a, b ) { a + b }; // function definition; ':' can be omitted
f( 1, 2 )                   // function usage; result is 3


s = func( a, b ); // signature definition
b = { a + b };    // block definition
f = s : b;        // function definition
f( 1, 2 ) 		  // function usage; result is 3

Lexical Frame

The lexical frame of a function is the frame in which a function is used. It is not where the function is defined.


The lexical frame in which the function is defined might not exist at the point of usage. This happens, for example, when the function is defined and returned from another function.

Some languages allow the lexical frame to be the frame of definition, which is deemed more intuitive. Others (e.g. C,C++) circumvent the problem by disallowing function definitions in nested frames.

Good practice:

Best: Avoid making assumptions about frame properties outside the function. Prefer using the function's argument list for passing any and all external data.

Second best: At most assume a global context defined in the root frame.


The keyword self represents the function in which it is used.


// factorial function using recursion
factorial = func( a )
    if( a > 1 ) { a * self( a - 1 ) } else { a }

factorial( 3 ) // result is 6 (=1*2*3)

Prefer using self for recursions.

Partial Calls

A partial function call is a call that define only a subset of arguments. This creates a new function behaving like the old but with the first arguments replaced by constants and the remaining arguments as the new argument set.


// f has arity 3
f = func( a, b, c )
    a + b + c;

// We define g as f with first two arguments fixed (a=1, b=2).
// g has arity 1
g = f( 1, 2 );

g( 3 ) // result is 6 ( = 1+2+3 )

Function Operators

Binary operators where the left operand is a function.

Operator Description
* Applying a function: f*x == f(x)
<< Applying a function: f<<x == f(x); Like operator * except that << has lower priority
** Chaining two functions: (f1**f2)(x) == f2(f1(x))
*: Transforming a list (f applied to list elements)
*. Applying a function using list elements as arguments: f*.l == f(l.[0], l.[1], ...)
*.: Transforming a list of lists (Applying f *. l.[i] on list elements)


A functor is an exportable function. It is represented by the object x_btcl_functor_s;

A functor can be used outside the btcl parser framework.

A BTCL Function can be converted into a functor.

Explicit conversion: See example below.

Implicit conversion: A function is implicitly converted into a functor when it is externalized.


f = func( a, b, c ) { a + b + c };

<x_btxl_functor_s/>( f ); // explicit conversion

<my_stamp_s/>( .my_member = f ); // implicit conversion

f; // if the script ends here, f is implicitly converted

Note: If a function contains inexportable syntax, the conversion attempt fails with a parsing error. Inexportable syntax is generated when at least one argument is involved in ...

  • a branch-condition: func(a){ if( a > 0 ) { do_this } else { do_that } }
  • an operand for inexportable operators
  • an object modifier

Using a Functor

x_btcl_functor_s provides member function to set arguments and to execute the function.


Script file:

func( a, b, c ) { a + b + c };


m x_inst* inst = x_btcl_create_from_file( "scipt_file.btcl" )^;
if( !inst ) = bcore_error_last();

ASSERT( inst._ == x_btcl_functor_s~ );
m x_btcl_functor_s* functor = inst.cast( m x_btcl_functor_s* );

// sets areguments
functor.set_arg_f3( 0, 2.0 );
functor.set_arg_f3( 1, 3.0 );
functor.set_arg_f3( 2, 4.0 );

// executes function: should output 9 (=2+3+4)
bcore_msg_fa( "#<f3_t>\n", functor.call_to_f3() );

Fast Numeric Functor

btcl_functor_f3_s is a very fast version of btcl_functor_s but limited to numeric operands.

Internally, it operates on f3_t and returns f3_t.

You can convert btcl_functor_s into btcl_functor_f3_s using member function from_functor or via copy_typed.


// List literal
mylist = [1,2,3];

// A trailing comma in a non-empty list is allowed
mylist = [1,2,3,]; // same as [1,2,3];

// Element access
mylist.[ 2 ] // is 3 here

// Creating a list by concatenating elements of lists a,b,c
mylist = a : b : c;

// concatenating: if any operand is already a list, it will be unfolded and extended
[1,2]:[3,4] == [1,2,3,4]; // this is TRUE

// Merging lists
[1,2]::[4,5] == [[1,4],[2,5]];

// Merging lists of unequal size
[1,2]::[4,5,6] == [[1,4],[2,5],[6]];

// concatenating: to explicitly insert a list as element to another list, fold it twice:
a = [1,2];
b = a:[[4,5]];
b == [1,2,[4,5]]; // this is TRUE

Stamps, which are arrays can be initialized with a list by using a modifier:

list = [1,2,3];
arr = <bcore_arr_s3_s></>( list );

The SIZE operator can retrieve the number of elements of a list or array:

list = [1,2,3];
SIZE(list); // this is 3
list.SIZE(); // this is 3
SIZE(<bcore_arr_s3_s>1 2 3</>); // this is 3

List Operators

List Multiplication

Operation a * b where both operands are lists generate a list product defined as follows

a*b == [ a.[0]:b.[0], a.[0]:b.[1], ..., a.[1]:b.[0], ... a.[n-1]:b.[m-1] ]


[1,2] * [1,2,3] == [ [1,1], [1,2], [1,3], [2,1], [2,2], [2,3] ]

Spawning Operator

Binary Operator :: is a multi-tool for constructing or modifying lists or run a recursion. It is used for list based operations using simple rules based on the argument's type.

a-type b-type Result
number unary function List of a elements, each set to b(index)
number any other List of a elements, each set to value b
list binary function Spawned recursion (s. below for details)
list list Mering two lists. (S. Below)

Merging two lists

If both operators are lists, the operator forms a new list by concatenating list elements of the same index. If lists are of unequal size, the shorter list is expanded with empty list elements [].


[1,2]::[4,5]   == [[1,4],[2,5]];
[1,2]::[4,5,6] == [[1,4],[2,5],[6]];

Spawned Recursion

The operation O(Ln,F) with ...

  • Ln being a list with n > 0 elements: L[0], ..., L[n-1]
  • Lk (k<=n) being the leftbound sublist of Ln with k elements.
  • F being a binary function

... is defined as ...

  • O(L1,F) = L[0]
  • O(Lk,F) = F(O(Lk-1,L[k-1]))


ASSERT( 4 :: b == [b,b,b,b] );
ASSERT( 4 :: func(i){i} == [0,1,2,3] );

f = func(a,b){...};
ASSERT( [1,2,3,4] :: f == f(f(f(1,2),3),4) );

// Example: Summation of a list (also handles empty list)
sum_list = func( list ) { (0:0:list) :: func(a,b) {a+b} };
ASSERT( sum_list([1,2,3,4]) == 10 );
ASSERT( sum_list([ ]) == 0 );
ASSERT( sum_list([5]) == 5 );

// Example: Product of a list (also handles empty list)
prd_list = func( list ) { (1:1:list) :: func(a,b) {a*b} };
ASSERT( prd_list([1,2,3,4]) == 24 );
ASSERT( prd_list([ ]) == 1 );
ASSERT( prd_list([5]) == 5 );

// Example: Dotproduct
dot_prd = func( a, b ) { sum_list( (a::b)::prd_list ) };
ASSERT( dot_prd([1,2], [3,4]) == 11 );


A general stamp can be instantiated via btml:

anystamp = <bcore_arr_st_s> /* any btml code here */ </>
anystamp = <bcore_arr_st_s/> // brief instantiation

Stamp members can be accessed via '.' operator.

Stamp Modifiers

A stamp modifier changes a stamp. The result of the modifier expressioon is a copy of the original stamp with the specified parts modified.

Entire Stamp

Modifying the entire stamp can be done using a function style syntax:

<bcore_arr_st_s/>( ["a","b","c"] );

The stamp is modified via generic conversion .


Stamp elements can be changed after instantiation via stamp modifiers. Syntactically is has the style of a function call, with elements to be modified identified in the form .<element_name> = <source> as assignment expression.

<bcore_main_frame_s/>( .create_log_file = TRUE, .log_file_extension = "log" );

Stamp elements are modified using generic conversion

Generic Conversion

Generic conversion is a btcl-specific type conversion when general stamps are involved in an assignement/modification operation using following criteria in given order until one succeeds

  • If source and destination have the same type, as simple copy is instigated.

  • If feature 'copy_from' is overloaded for given type it is used.

  • A generic btcl-conversion is used:

    • If both types are arrays, the destination array is filled with elements of source.
  • If none of the above succeeds, an error message is generated.

Built-in Functions

Built-in functions are available by the names listed in the table below. They are exportable as operator.

Name Description Type Name Exportable
EXP Exponentiation base e exp yes
LOG Logarithm base e log yes
LOG2 Logarithm base 2 log2 yes
LOG10 Logarithm base 10 log10 yes
SIN Sine sin yes
COS Cosine cos yes
TAN Tangent tan yes
TANH Hyperbolic Tangent tanh yes
SIGN Sign of value: 1 or -1 sign yes
SQRT Square root sqrt yes
ABS Absolute value abs yes
CEIL Ceiling function ceil yes
FLOOR Floor function floor yes
MAX maximum of two operands max yes
MIN minimum of two operands min yes
IFE Conditional ternary operator: IFE( a, b, c ) == a ? b : c conditional yes
PRINT Prints object to stdout in compact form; behaves as identity print no
PRINTLN Prints object to stdout in compact form; last character is 'newline'; behaves as identity println no
PRINTX Prints object to stdout in detailed form; behaves as identity printx no
ASSERT Creates an error condition in case expression evaluates to FALSE. Returns TRUE otherwise. assert no

Built-in Constants

Name Description
TRUE Boolean 'true'
FALSE Boolean 'false'
true Boolean 'true'
false Boolean 'false'
PI Math: Pi constant
PATH Path of source file; error if source has no file associated
DIR Directory of source file; error if source has no file associated

Evaluating Files

The keyword eval_file evaluate code from another file as if it was copied into the eval-position. See also: Prefixing.


eval_file( "file.btcl" );                  // full embedding (variables and evaluation result is imported )
prefix( "foo", eval_file( "file.btcl" ) ); // full embedding with prefixing of embedded code
a = ( eval_file( "file.btcl" ) );          // elvaluation only (variables defined in the embedded file are dropped)

If the file path is relative, it is taken relative to the folder in which the current source is located.

The file is embedded in the current frame (no dedicated frame). This allows defining variables (functions) in the embedded file to be used outside the embedding.

Evaluating Strings

Likewise to evaluating entire files, you can simply embed the content of a string. This assumes that the string contains BTCL code. This allows constructing BTCL code on the fly which is then executed at a later point.


my_code = "a = 5; b = 10;";
eval_string( my_code );
ASSERT( a == 5 && b == 10 );


The keyword prefix evaluates code an imports result and all variables into the current frame by using the specified prefix.

Prefixing is useful in conjunction with Evaluation. This wraps the embedded content into a dedicated name-space.


prefix( "foo", 
  bar = 1234;
ASSERT( foo_bar == 1234 );
ASSERT( foo     == 4321 );

// embedding and prefixing the code from another file
prefix( "foo", eval_file( "file.btcl" ) );

// embedding and prefixing the code from a string
prefix( "foo", eval_string( code_in_string ) );

Random Numbers

Random number generation is available via object x_btcl_random_s implementing external function list. This function generates a list of pseudo random numbers. Repeated calls of list, generates identical results. You can obtain a different list changing the parameter seed.


// creates a list of 10 random numbers within [-0.5,+0.5]
random_list = <x_btcl_random_s/>( .seed = 5329, .min = -0.5, .max = +0.5 ).list( 10 );


The features below provide special control and functionality for specific use cases that go beyond the typical use of BTCL.

  • External Functions: Beth-BTCL API for calling external functions from BTCL code.
  • Network Builder: Construction of a network meta structure.
  • Plotting: Byth-BTCL external functions for plotting using the Python Plotting Framework.

© 2024 Johannes B. Steffens