Some AWS CDK to spit out Cloudformation for building EC2 instances of Windows Active Directory
make sure you have the latest version of the CDK CLI installed.
make sure your AWK CLI credentials && profile are setup.
nano ~/.aws/credentials [default] aws_access_key_id = ############ aws_secret_access_key = ############
nano ~/.aws/config [default] region = <your region> output = json
install dependancies with npm
npm install
create an ssh key pair in AWS via the Management Console and save them to your AWS cli directory.
4.1. then give them the proper permissions
bash chmod 400 ~/.aws/pems/<yourpemfile>
Synthesize your CloudFormation Template a. default Synthesize as a log output
cdk synth --profile <yourprofile>
b. Synthesize your template to a .yaml file
cdk synth --profile <yourprofile> >> <yourfile.yaml>
Deploy your CloudFormation Stack
cdk deploy --profile <yourprofile>
Destroy your CloudFormation Stack
cdk destroy --profile <yourprofile>