Simple Annual Leave Request Tool. Web app developed 5 ways - WebForms, MVC, RazorPages and Blazor (WASM/Server).
- Allows users to create, update or delete annual leave requests.
- The Annual leave requests are saved and read from a SQLServer database using an ORM (default is Dapper) in the DAL (Data Access Layer) project
- There are two DAL projects
- Dapper ORM
- Entity Framework 6 ORM
- There are 6 GUI projects (web application frameworks)
- Blazor Server Dapper/.Net 8 (uses Dapper DAL to query DB)
- Blazor Server EF/.Net 8 (uses EF DAL to query DB)
- Blazor WebAssembly/.Net 8 (uses Restful Web API project)
- MVC/.Net 8 (uses Dapper DAL to query DB)
- Razor Pages/.Net 8 (uses Dapper DAL to query DB)
- WebForms/.Net 4.8 (uses Restful Web API project)
- There are 2 Restful Web API projects (both use Dapper DAL to query DB)
- .Net 8 with controllers (uses MediatR to communicate with Dapper ORM DAL project)
- .Net 8 Minimal API (uses MediatR to communicate with Dapper ORM DAL project)
- There is a SQLServer database project which can be used to set up an AnnualLeave DB on SSMS which can be used by the Annual Leave Request tool
- Live Blazor Server web app is deployed to an Azure web app and the database is deployed to an Azure SQL Database