I developed this neural network library that includes common activation functions and optimisers. I have only implemented fully-connected layers as the main goal of the project was for implementing reinforcement learning algorithms for control purposes using the OpenAI gym. A write-up of some results that I obtained and a more detailed explanation of the algorithms and neural network library can be found here.
An example of using the neural network library for regression is given in nn_bivariate_regression.py
The following reinforcement learning algorithms have been implemented.
- TD3
- A2C
- REINFORCE (with and without baseline)
Python 3
OpenAI gym
(gif output)
# Working config for Mountain Car Continuous
./main.py DDPG MountainCarContinuous-v0 --lr 1e-3 --lr_c 1e-3 --num_episodes=1000 --hidden_layers 32
# Working config for Lunar Lander
python3 main.py GAE LunarLander-v2 --lr=1e-4 --lr_c=1e-4 --num_episodes=5000 --batch_size=16 --hidden_layers 20 --gamma=0.99 --Lambda=0.95
# Working config for Pendulum-v0
python3 main.py DDPG Pendulum-v0 --lr=1e-3 --lr_c=1e-2 --num_episodes=10000 --batch_size=64 --hidden_layers 20 20 --gamma=0.99
# Working config for BipedalWalker-v3
python3 main.py TD3 BipedalWalker-v3 --lr=1e-5 --lr_c=1e-4 --num_episodes=5000 --batch_size=64 --hidden_layers 200 200 --gamma=0.997 --replay_mem_size=6e5
Below is a Gif of a TD3 agent solving the bipedal walker environment with a score of 319.