Releases: johannes-titz/fastpos
fastpos v0.5.1
- fix problem with multicore support, now correct functions are used from pbmcapply
- add info in documentation and warning that on Windows only 1 core is used
- add toc to readme
fastpos v0.5.0
This release includes several changes that were done during the review process at The R Journal.
- improve multicore support, pbapply is now used to split up the calculation of points of stability; this is much faster than with futures but does not work on Windows
- give the option to set the corridor manually via lower_limit and upper_limit, which will override precision parameters
- change parameter precision to precision_absolute and precision_rel to precision_relative, if you used these parameters before, you need to change your code
- parameter rhos is no rho
- precision_relative now takes a numeric value, instead of being a logical
- change how corridor limits are set up, now closures are used to handle all cases
- several improvements in documentation, adding more details and hints
- several improvements in the readme, especially for the benchmarks
- linting the package with lintr
- deprecate old precision parameters (preparing for version 0.6.0) and rhos
- improve parameter order
- use scientific notation more consistently
- use roxygen md
fastpos 0.4.1
- tests now show more information if they fail, also the tolerance for an
individual deviation is higher to avoid false alarms - progress bars are only shown if R is run interactively (this is required as
per the manual for writing R extensions)
fastpos 0.4.0
- multiple cores are now supported via the future package, use parameter
, gains are only visible ifn_studies
is high (overhead) - tests for multiple cores were included
parameter was added to the externally visible functions, and tests
forreplace = false
- minor improvements in layout/documentation
- test added for old pop_create function
- test coverage is now somewhat higher since the untestable proportion of code
fastpos 0.3.0
- Parameter for number of studies is now always n_studies. Some lower level
functions used number_of_studies. - create_pop now creates a bivariate normal distribution with an exact rho, this
is slower than previously, but it is probably worth it. - Problems with C++ progressbar (RcppProgress) were fixed. The code should also
be cleaner now. - Make C++ and Rstudio interruption similar: depending on the
timing, either Rstudio interrupts by itself and stops everything or C++ returns
a value. In the latter case, R now also stops quietly. - Since the interrupts cannot be properly tested, code coverage is only 90%.
fastpos 0.2.0
If the corridor of stability is not reached, NA is returned by an internal
function that simulate_pos build upon. n_not_breached is simply the number of
NA values. The maximum sample size is still used for the calculation of the
quantiles if the corridor was not reached, which should be better than ignoring
the specific study altogether (i.e. treating it as an NA value). -
simulate_pos now returns an IntegerVector (instead of NumericVector) to
better handle NA values. -
A simple test for relative precision was added. Another test was added that
unloads the package. Code coverage is now 100%. -
The vignette and readme were improved substantially. Word choice and grammar
were checked by an editor. A section on the speed of fastpos in comparison to
corEvol was added including a theoretical argument and an empirical test.
First release
fastpos 0.1.0
- First release