Road accident dashboard for years 2019 - 2022 in the UK.
Understanding Accident Severity for Effective Road Management.
Goal: Gain insights into the patterns and trends of road accidents in the UK from 2019 to 2022 to inform policy-making and improve road safety.
- Clean Database (Cleaned table:
- Create Dashboard (AccidentDash.xlsx)
- Total number of accidents
- Accident Severity: Accidents and percentage of total with respect to accident severity
- Vehicle: Total accidents by type of vehicle
- Accidents per Year: Monthly trend showing a comparison of accidents for the current year and the previous year
- Road Type: accidents by road type
- Light Condition: accidents by day/night
- Road Condition: Distribution of total casualties by road condition
- Location/Area: The type of area where the collision takes place
- Relationship between accidents by area/location and by day/night
- The majority of accidents are slight, accounting for 85.3% of the total.
- Fatal accidents constitute only 1.3% of the total.
- Serious accidents make up 13.4% of the total.
- Regular cars are most frequently involved in accidents, followed by motorcycles.
- Accident rates are consistently high from May to July across all four years.
- Most years see a peak in accidents in November.
- February typically has the lowest number of accidents each year.
- Single-carriageway roads witness the highest number of collisions (492.1K).
- The least amount of collisions occur on a slip road
- The majority of collisions occur during daytime (approximately 75%)
- Most collisions occur on dry roads (447.8K)
- Collisions on flooded roads are rare (1.0K), likely due to the infrequency of floods.
- The majority of collisions occur in rural areas, likely due to the higher population density in these areas.
- Collaborate with Stakeholders (Department for Transport, Road Safety Corps, Traffic Management agencies, etc.)
- Engage with local authorities, transport agencies, and road safety organizations to share insights and collaborate on safety initiatives.
- Use the findings to support grant applications and funding requests for road safety projects.
The dataset used in this project is available publicly on Kaggle:
- Excel