issues Search Results · repo:joemasilotti/TurboNavigator language:Swift
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injoemasilotti/TurboNavigator (press backspace or delete to remove)According to the path configuration file, the client handles GET /navigations requests with the basic stack, and GET
/modal/new requests with the modal stack.
This commit modifies the modals#new action ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 10, 2024
- #79
I am struggling integrating TurboNavigator with Strada.
Strada quick start advises to implement such version of VisitableViewController:
class TurboWebViewController: VisitableViewController, BridgeDestination ...
- 5
- Opened on Oct 31, 2023
- #71
I sort of hinted at this in #62 but wanted to bring up a bigger discussion on the same issue.
Turbo Navigator is the SessionDelegate of each Session it manages because it needs to handle session(_:didProposeVisit:) ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 23, 2023
- #69
When I submit a form and use redirect_to instead of refresh_or_redirect_to the screen is replaced but the
pull-to-refresh stops working. I was expecting that the navigation to the same screen was able ...
- 9
- Opened on Oct 20, 2023
- #66
It looks like when the automatic displaying of ErrorPresenter on network errors feature was merged, the basic
authentication stoped working.
Here is an example of the issue using the TurboNavigator/Demo: ...
- 2
- Opened on Oct 17, 2023
- #64
Hi! I m getting to know the project and everything around Turbo-ios and Strada. I d like to also use this library as it
simplifies some stuff, however, I cannot find how to override or listen for JS events? ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 14, 2023
- #60
I’m struggling with this issue maybe it applies for turbo navigator too. In it seems they display files using a
qlpreviewcontroller instead of a safariviewcontroller, do you intend to provide this ...
- 5
- Opened on Oct 1, 2023
- #58
Part of Turbo Navigator s handling checks if the proposed URL matches the current or previous page. When that occurs,
the package replaces or pops the last controller off the stack, respectively.
It knows ...
- 4
- Opened on Sep 18, 2023
- #54
Using Turbo Navigator out of the box isn t a great experience. A lot of the routing is broken without a path
configuration on a server.
I d like to see the path configuration moved to the codebase instead ...
- 3
- Opened on Sep 14, 2023
- #50
The demo project fails to build. It looks like we lost the TurboNavigator dependency somewhere.
- 1
- Opened on Sep 14, 2023
- #49

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