bpl is designed to be a Bible translations in Programming Languages. The purpose of this translation project is to convey the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who comfortably read and/or write in Programming Languages. Starting from those who started a line of "Hello World" to the top software engineers in Big Tech Companies, they use those languages. Bible has been translated in many languages including sign languages and braille but, I tried to find, never in a Programming Language.
For the sake of achieving great commission, the concept of "unreached people group" of Ralph D. Winter can be redefined to include not only ethnic tribes but also "intellectual tribes" of Larry Wall A language is deeply rooted with a culture, and this can be said for both natural language and programming language. The culture this translation targeting for can be Geek Culture, Open Source Culture, and/or Hacker Culture.
I love Kotlin language like many other people. I chose Kotlin Language as my first translation target as I am an evangelical Christian who happened to be among Kotlin Tribe. I love people in our tribe as well as the language, so why not reaching them out with their language? This project stared as my 20% project at Gospel & Information Technology and that means I do now have time to handle other languages at the same time for now. When will it be translated the language you like? You can always scratch your own itch.
An Bible app like YouVersion with a lot of natural language translations to be read in text or audio format. Instead, bpl will codify Bible in programming language so that it can be both human and machine readable just as like DevOps codify infrastructures.
Codification brought versioning and automation to infrastructure in context of DevOps. Open source development workflow went out of boundary software from legal documents to soylent recipes. Actually as long as the material is text, you'll get benefit of social coding. I hope bpl to bring innovation to the oldest and the biggest text project in human history which is called "Translation of Bible".