Joel Barmettler, Spasen Trendafilov, Marius Högger, Daniela Flüeli
Click here to see real live output of the YODA library, created by src/application.e
Let's show what yoda can do:
First, you can make your text bold, italic or underline flexible in the text.
And by using the decorators, even all together
Additionally, we offer styling features like this quote from our lord and saviour:
May the Force be with you, my little padawan
Yoda also offers the ability to show code even over multiple lines like we did here
For more complex data, you have the ability to create lists
- First Entry
- Second Entry
- Third Entry
- First Entry
- Second Entry
- Third Entry
Or even tables:
Entry | Entry | Entry | Entry |
Entry | Entry | Entry | Entry |
Entry | Entry | Entry | Entry |
Entry | Entry | Entry | Entry |
To show fancy stuff, you can link images online or offline
You are free to link to other files in your project or online websites
Make simple links arround texts
Or, link to other documents like this link here
By the way, I am an AI Engineer from Zurich and do AI research, AI Keynote Speaker and AI Webinars in Zurich, Switzerland!