JOR_Net: Cross-platform UDP Networked Games Library Fourth Year Project Joe O'Regan (K00203642) Year 4 (2017/18), Semesters 7 and 8 BSc Computing (Games Design and Development) Limerick Institute of Technology Project: Cross-Plstform UDP Networked Games Library Networked Game Using C++ third-year project game Antibody UDP-Test UDP communication test cases JOR_Net Cross-platform UDP Networked Games Library SDL-Game 2D SDL platform game with CLient / Server Communication over UDP Screenshots SDL Platform Game Game communicating between windows and VirtualBox running Ubuntu Linux Local Player identifed with alternate sprite Additional tiles and tile collision checks Local Player Bullets Separate Colour Antibody 3rd Year Project Game with added network functionality Simple 2D side-scrolling game in C++ Using UDP to communicate Player position and indicate shots fired, from Game Client to Server Player ID Assigned By The Server, And Used To Identify Each Player In The Game