Spring PetClinic Microservices application running on Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) with Istio installed
This project is an alternative to Spring PetClinic Microservices instead of Spring Cloud tools using Kubernetes and Istio.
- az-cli installed
- Terraform installed
- istioctl installed
Logon Azure
az login
Create RBAC key for first execution
az ad sp create-for-rbac
Inside terraform folder, execute terraform initialization
terraform init
Execute Terraform files
terraform apply -auto-approve
Build docker images of microservices
cd app/customers
docker build -t customers .
cd ../frontend
docker build -t frontend .
cd ../kong
docker build -t configure-kong .
cd ../vets
docker build -t vets .
cd ../visits
docker build -t visits .
Tagging images
docker tag customers:latest testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/customers:latest
docker tag frontend:latest testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/frontend:latest
docker tag configure-kong:latest testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/configure-kong:latest
docker tag vets:latest testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/vets:latest
docker tag visits:latest testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/visits:latest
Logon private Azure Container Registry (ACR)
az acr login --name testemicroservicesacr
Push imagens from local to ACR
docker push testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/customers:latest
docker push testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/frontend:latest
docker push testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/configure-kong:latest
docker push testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/vets:latest
docker push testemicroservicesacr.azurecr.io/visits:latest
Get AKS credential
az aks get-credentials --resource-group rg-microservices --name teste-aks
Install Istio on AKS
istioctl install
Verify installation
istioctl verify-install
Install observability tools
kubectl apply -f istio/monitoring
Apply kubernetes configuration
kubectl apply -f k8s/01-config
kubectl apply -f k8s/02-db
kubectl apply -f k8s/03-backend
kubectl apply -f k8s/04-api
kubectl apply -f k8s/05-frontend
kubectl apply -f k8s/06-kong
Install Istio configuration files
kubectl apply -f istio -n aulainfra
Instalar ElasticSearch
kubectl apply -f efk/01-namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f efk/02-elastic.yaml
Instalar Kibana
kubectl apply -f efk/03-kibana.yaml
Instalar FileBeat
kubectl apply -f efk/04-filebeat.yaml
Access Kibana e Elastic
kubectl port-forward deployment/kibana 5601 -n kube-logging
kubectl port-forward sts/elasticsearch-master 9200 -n kube-logging
curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
Access application
curl http://springapp.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/
Access monitoring dashboards
istioctl dashboard [kiali grafana prometheus]