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File metadata and controls

347 lines (276 loc) · 10.4 KB


shortcuts 😉

Calculator Theme☀️🌙 on/off Volume Time

Light mode☀️ Dark mode 🌙

how was the calculation done?

Constructor Function

function Calculator() {
  // Constructor Function

const calc = new Calculator();
  • function Calculator() is a constructor function that serves as a template for creating new objects and the part of the variable called calc is instantiated. Within this function you will have the following resources:

Variables and Functions

this.input and this.display

this.input = document.getElementById('input');
this.display = document.getElementById('display');
  • this.input It is the input that will have the values that will be calculated.
  • this.display This is where the calculation result will be displayed.


this.init = () => {
  • this.init It is a arrow function to perform the main functions.


this.errorMessage = (msg) => {
  this.input.value = this.input.value.replace('*', 'X');
  this.display.innerText = msg;
  • this.errorMessage() It serves to show messages of possible errors, this function receives a parameter called msg which is the text of the message.


this.checkChar = () => {
  if (this.input.value === '') this.input.value = 0;
  this.input.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
    this.errorMessage("you can't type here 😃.");
  • this.checkChar() The input is disabled, but if the user tries to enable and type something automatically, the input will be cleared and call the this.errorMessage function with an error message. This function adds a click event.


this.calc = () => {
  try {
    this.input.value = this.input.value.replace('X', '*');
    const inputValue = eval(this.input.value);
    this.input.value = this.input.value.replace('*', 'X');

    if (!inputValue) {
      this.errorMessage('Formatting error');
    this.display.innerText = inputValue;
  } catch (error) {
    this.errorMessage('Formatting error');
  • this.calc inside this function i am using try/catch instruction to calculate and if not, it shows an error. and this this.calc function takes all the values of this.input and calls a eval() method to calculate it. this method is quite dangerous, as in addition to calculating it executes Javascript code, for example alert('test') , so I disabled text input.


this.setValueInput = (el) => {
    if (this.input.value == 0) this.input.value = '';
    this.input.value += el;
  • this.setValueInput is a function that will receive a value that can be a number or a string, and that value will be added to the input.


this.cleanInput = () => {
  this.input.value = 0;
  this.display.innerText = '';
  • this.cleanInput this function will clear the input when called.


this.deleteOne = () => this.input.value = this.input.value.slice(0, -1);
  • this.deleteOne is a function that erases a value from the input using the slice() method


this.buttonClick = () => {
  document.addEventListener('click', e => {
    const el =;
    if (el.classList.contains('btn-num')) this.setValueInput(el.innerText);
    if (el.classList.contains('btn-others')) this.setValueInput(el.innerText);
    if (el.classList.contains('btn-operator')) this.setValueInput(el.innerText);
    if (el.classList.contains('btn-clean')) this.cleanInput();
    if (el.classList.contains('btn-del')) this.deleteOne();
    if (this.display.innerText === 'Formatting error') this.display.innerText = '';
    if (el.classList.contains('btn-equal')) this.calc();
    if (this.input.value === '') this.input.value = 0;
  • this.ButtonClick This function takes the value of each button and sends it to the this.setValueInput(value) function.


this.pressEnter = () => {
  document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
    if (e.keyCode === 13) return this.calc();
  • this.pressEnter this function adds a click event to perform the calculation when the enter key is pressed.


this.buttonPress = () => {
  document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
    const keyCode = e.keyCode;
    if (keyCode === 96 || keyCode === 48) this.setValueInput(0);
    if (keyCode === 97 || keyCode === 49) this.setValueInput(1);
    if (keyCode === 98 || keyCode === 50) this.setValueInput(2);
    if (keyCode === 99 || keyCode === 51) this.setValueInput(3);
    if (keyCode === 100 || keyCode === 52) this.setValueInput(4);
    if (keyCode === 101 || keyCode === 53) this.setValueInput(5);
    if (keyCode === 102 || keyCode === 54) this.setValueInput(6);
    if (keyCode === 103 || keyCode === 55) this.setValueInput(7);
    if (keyCode === 104 || keyCode === 56) this.setValueInput(8);
    if (keyCode === 105 || keyCode === 57) this.setValueInput(9);
    if (keyCode === 8) this.deleteOne();
    if (keyCode === 46) this.cleanInput();
    if (keyCode === 107) this.setValueInput('+');
    if (keyCode === 109) this.setValueInput('-');
    if (keyCode === 106) this.setValueInput('*');
    if (keyCode === 111) this.setValueInput('/');
    if (keyCode === 194) this.setValueInput('.');
    if (this.display.innerText === 'Formatting error') this.display.innerText = '';
    if (this.input.value === '') this.input.value = 0;
  • this.buttonPress this function adds a keydown event to take the key the user has typed and checks if it is a number, operator or dot and sends that value to this.setValueInput().

Change theme.

  • Firstly in our html we have an input tag of type checkbox and a label and inside this label there are icons and a div. Follow the html code.
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" />
<label for="checkbox" class="label">
  <i class="fas fa-sun"></i>
  <i class="fas fa-moon hidden"></i>
  <div class="ball"></div>
  • in javascript all the variables that will be used were created.
const html = document.querySelector('html');
const checkbox = document.getElementById('checkbox');
const moon = document.querySelector('.fa-moon');
const sun = document.querySelector('.fa-sun');
  • After that we have a change event in our checkbox which will have a function with the toggle method.
  • This toggle method allows you to check if something exists, in this case it checks if there is a dark-mode class in the html, if this class exists remove it if not add it.
checkbox.addEventListener('change', () => {

Smartphone on/off

  • This function is very simple. With the help of css we have a class called off that will have a display property with the value none, so in Javascript we have the toggle method that removes and adds this class every time the on/off button is clicked.
function smartphoneOff() {

btnPower.addEventListener('click', smartphoneOff);

Smartphone volume

  • There are two buttons, one to decrease and one to increase the music volume. So I added a click event on each button to call its certain functions, basically inside these functions we take the width of the div(volume) and add +50px and also increase the music volume 0.5 times. Both functions are identical, but one decreases and the other increases.
function smartphoneVolumeUp() {
  const volumeWidth = volume.clientWidth; = (volumeWidth + 50) + "px";
  if (audio.volume < 1) audio.volume += 0.5;

function smartphoneVolumeDown() {
  const volumeWidth = volume.clientWidth; = (volumeWidth - 50) + "px";
  if (audio.volume > 0) audio.volume -= 0.5;

volumeUp.addEventListener('click', smartphoneVolumeUp);
volumeDown.addEventListener('click', smartphoneVolumeDown);

Current time

Weather based on brazil brazil

  • We have three functions

  • The getTime() function as the name implies will return the current time formatted.

function getTime() {
  const date = new Date();
  const hour = addZero(date.getHours());
  const minutes = addZero(date.getMinutes());
  const seconds = addZero(date.getSeconds());
  return `${hour}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
  • Inside getTime we also have a function addZero(), which will add a zero if the number is less than 10.
function addZero(value) {
  if (value < 10) value = `0${value}`;
  return value
  • We also have the changeTime function which will change the html value to the formatted time.
function changeTime(time) {
  hoursDiv.innerHTML = `<span>${time}</span>`;
  • Finally, we have setInterval which will execute the changeTime() function in a period of 1 second.
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);

📝 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

🎶 Music License

Music taken from YouTube audio library

Made with ♥ by joaovic-tech